Saturday 25 January 2020

Easter Egg Guide for Voyage of Despair - Black Ops 4 Zombies Walkthrough

Easter Egg Guide: Part 1 -- Part 2 -- Part 3 --

Hi guys,

here we are on board the Titanic in this Epic map called "Voyage of Despair" for Call Of Duty Black Ops 4. We all know the story of the Titanic and how it met its fate, however I do not remember zombies running around the decks and teleporters whisking people from one end of the ship to another in the blink of an eye....must have missed that part in all the history lessons I guess. However this is still an amazing setting and has me very intrigued on how zombies will work on this map.

This level recreates the Titanic in amazing detail, a lot of which you may recognise from scenes in the film, or if you are from my home city of Belfast in Northern Ireland, from the photos, models and full size replica rooms and items on display in the Titanic Building itself, which is a major tourist attraction here in Belfast. 

I will do my bit to boost tourism and show you a picture of the Titanic Building if you have not seen it as its state of the art and ultra modern, looking FAB-U-LUSH:

Now I have hopefully added to the tourism of my fair city, time to get down to business and find out how to complete the Easter Egg for this.

Full Steam Ahead

First up we need to open up the map in order to make things easier for ourselves.....this will mean we will have to delve deep into our pockets......but as we started off in first class we can afford it. Open up the map from the main spawn area all the way to the "Poop Deck"....this by the way is not what you think it is...there is no toilets, its a stern deck basically.

When we get here we are going to retrieve the Sentinel Artefact. This is necessary for the Easter Egg and also for opening up Pack A Punch so we need to get it first or we ain't going anywhere fast on this map. So lets get it activated and then we will immediately get sorted with Pack A Punch.

Once the Artefact is activated it will go from being blue to a fiery red and it will create portals around the ship. These portals are teleporters which you can use to zip around the ship in seconds, for a cost of course of 500 credits. It will fire 4 bursts of energy into the air which will create teleporters in section that you may not have been able to access normally on foot.

If you are not sure how to get Pack A Punch on this map, then check out my Pack A Punch guide before moving onto the next step.

Once we have it activated, its onto the next step.

What Time Is It?

Now Pack A Punch is activated, we need go around the map and check the 6 possible locations which can contain a clock. You will notice that in 4 our of the possible 6 locations, the time has changed.....time stands stills for no man or woman..... as the saying goes and all that.

You will know you have found one of the correct 4 clocks that you need if you find a Pack A Punch Elemental Symbol nearby. Lets find out the clocks locations along with the location of the Elemental symbol for each.

When you reach each clock that has a spawned symbol:

  • Note the time on the clock
  • Note the symbol which is associated with the clock

Mail Room

In the Mail Room area, there is a clock to the right of the door that leads into the Cargo Hold which is filled with water. To find the corresponding symbol to go with this clock, turn 90 degrees left while staring at it and you will see a flight of stairs heading up. Go to the side of these stairs and look on the wall underneath them. 

You will see a Pack A Punch Elemental symbol. Take note of it. There are 4 symbols in total to find, which are:

  • Air
  • Earth
  • Fire
  • Water

Below is a diagram from MrDalekJD's video on Youtube that shows what each of the symbols mean:

Captain On Deck

Next clock location is in the Captains Bridge. When you enter the bridge, you will see the clock behind the steering wheel, face it then look to your right in the corner and you will see a desk. Get down on your honkers and look underneath the desk. Low and behold, printed on the right hand side of the drawers is another symbol for one of the Pack A Punch Elemental Symbols.

That is a Grand Clock

Another clock location can be on the Grand Staircase area and is engraved into a beautiful wooden carving on the wall. The Pack A Punch Elemental Symbol for this clock can be found by simply turning right, going up the stairs case onto the landing and it is marked just above the doorway facing you.

This Clock is First Class!  (The Puns Get Worse)

This clock location is in the First Class Lounge sitting on the mantle piece of a very lavish fire place which is bigger than my whole living room never mind my own little electric fire I have. If you look at the mystery box, which spawns in this location, and then look slightly to the left into the window that is beside it, you will see the corresponding Pack A Punch Elemental symbol on the right hand side of the wall.

Tin Can.....Galley?

The next clock location is in the Galley and it facing where a dead body is hanging on the wall. The spawn for this Pack A Punch Elemental  symbol can be on the wall facing the clock to the left of the cabinets.

Last but not least

The final clock is located in the Third Class Berths when you are making your way down to the Turbine Room. Its just to the left of the wooden unit as you come down the stairs. When you stand in front of the clock, turn 180 degrees to face the stairs and you will see some luggage piled up.

Look behind the luggage on the wall will be another Pack A Punch Elemental symbol. 

That is the final possible spawn location of the elemental symbol and all 6 clock locations, but remember, only 4 of these possible locations will spawn a symbol per game.

The same symbold does not spawn at the same location and the time son the clocks, along with the symbol spawn locations, are randomised every play through.

My Watch Has Stopped 4 times!

Now that we know the times and symbols associated with each symbol, we need to make our way up to the Bridge. When you get there, find the dial which has the matching symbol for the one your looking for.

For example, this dial on the Bridge has the AIR symbol on it. The clock in the area that the symbol was in had the time 11:10. If you look at the dial for the Air symbol, the small hand is pointed towards what would be 12 on a clock face, and the long handle, which would be the minute hand, is currently set to 5. This makes the time currently 12:05.

The time on our clock was 11:10, so we need to move the large handle into the position the long minute hand would be on a clock. Each time you increment or move the handle in either direction, that is 5 minutes the time is adjusted by. So in this example we need to move the long handle one more position to the right to get to 10 minutes past 12.....we will then modify the hour dial later to adjust it back one hour to 11:

NOTE: All the dials in the Bridge area can only change the MINUTES of the time for each symbol. In other areas of the ship you will see another set of dials for these symbols which will modify the HOUR hand into the right position.

So find all 4 dials on the Bridge and match the position of the handle to the position of the minute hand in each of the clocks and their times.

Next we need to set the HOUR hands to the correct HOUR in order to get the correct time for each symbol. This means we need to find another 4 dials to change these HOUR hands....a days work is never done eh?

First we need to head down to the POOP DECK area at the back of the ship and up to where the wheel is located with the 2 dials, 1 on either side of it, which correspond to the AIR and EARTH symbol. The one on the left is the AIR symbols hour hand dial and the one on the right is the EARTH symbols hour hand dial.

Set these hands to match the time on the clocks for these 2 symbols. Then when you have set these hour hands, if you go up to the Bridge, you will notice for the AIR and EARTH symbols, the dials and their hands are matching the times for each corresponding clock

Now we just need to match the times for the last 2 symbols which are located in the ENGINE ROOM. When you find the dials in the engine room area, the dials on the left are for the FIRE elemental symbol and the ones on the right are for the WATER elemental symbol.

When all dials have been matched up with their corresponding times and elemental symbols, you will hear a completion noise and you can move onto the next step.

Anyone got a charging plug?

For the next step, we need to look around the map to find 4 power outlets firing out elemental energy, total health hazard I know, out of a total of 6 possible spawn locations.

These power outlets relate to a particular element and when you find them, they will be sparking like crazy, when you find the elemental ones, take note of what element is coming from it. If the plug is dormant like in the picture above, then this is not the droid you are looking for......I mean..... this is not the plug you are looking for.

The sparking plugs can spawn in the following locations:

Aft Decks
To the right of a wooden bench with luggage sitting on it there is a window, inside the window is a knocked over chair on its side. This is where the plug can spawn.

Third Class Berths
The next location is in the Third Class Berths area and can be found by coming in from the Poop Deck entrance and down the stairs, then taking an immediate left and it should be up against the wall  on the right.

Upper Grand Staircase
This power outlet is just to the left of a chair in the Upper Grand Staircase area.

Dining Hall
This one is near the mess of black gloopy stuff, that has a chair tangled up in it, that has come through the ceiling. The plug is on the side facing the windows.

State Rooms
Another location is in one of the State Rooms, located beside 2 lovely works of art.

First Class Lounge
The last location is in the First Class Lounge, located beside the coat rack with a coat hanging on it.

Now that we know all the locations of the plugs and what element it is spitting out, we need to get that particular type of zombie to that plug and kill it in front of it. When we kill the right zombie at its corresponding elemental plug, a symbol will appear on the ground. This will then stop the plug sparking.

For example if we take a fire zombie to the plug that is spitting out the fire element and kill him in front of it, we are in business.

When you activate the plug, you will have to play to the next round in order to reactivate the sparking plugs again.

Now you need to go and repeat this for the other 3 sparking plugs, taking the relevant zombie that matches the elemental energy coming from the plug.

To complete this step the 4 types of zombies you will need are:

  • Flame Zombie 
  • Gas Zombie
  • Water Zombie
  • Electrical Zombie

Once you have a teleporter symbol on the floor at each of the 4 plug locations, we can move onto the next step.

Click here to go to Part 2 of the Easter Egg Guide

Still not sure how to do it? Then check out MrDalekJD's youtube video below:

Thanks for reading as always guys


Easter Egg Guide for Voyage of Despair Part 2 - Black Ops 4 Zombies Walkthrough

Easter Egg Guide: Part 1 -- Part 2 -- Part 3 --

Click here to go to Part 1 of the Easter Egg Guide

Beam me up Scotty

Now we have all the 4 power outlets beaming their elemental symbols onto the floor, we need to make a note of what elemental symbol is located where. 

This is because in this next step, we will have to stand on all 4 of the pads in a particular order and activate them. If in solo, everyone will have to stand on a pad and hold the USE button in order to activate an encounter that takes place somewhere on the ship, which you will very kindly be teleported to, saving your poor wee legs from walking.

If playing on solo just hop on the pad on your own and Bob's your uncle, the encounter will activate.

Here is the order in which we need to activate the pads:

  1. Poison Pad
  2. Water Pad
  3. Electric Pad
  4. Fire Pad

We can do as many of these in one round as we wish, or all of them if you have time. Unlike the plugs you do not need to wait until the next round in order to progress onto the next pad.

Poison Pad - Feeling kinda grey
Get all players, or just your fine self, onto the Poison Pad and activate it. Have no fear, the Poop Deck ye will be near sailor. 

When you arrive, the area will be locked down and this ship will throw a horde of zombies at you, along with a nice wee treat in the form of Blight Fathers too. As it is a lock down situation, you will not leave until you have completed this step correctly.

Simply kill everything that moves and after a set period of time / kills, your screen will go grey and you will be returned back to the main part of the ship. Easy.

Water Pad - Swimming in H20

In you game, find where the sparking plug with water spewing out of it was located, then again everyone stand on the pad and teleport. In this case, the Water element had appeared at the plug in the 3rd Class Berths section.

Get everyone in the game alllllll aboard!!.......wait that's for trains.....not boats that saying right? Then activate it. you will then be teleported to another area of the map which will be the Cargo Hold.

Again another lockdown situation ensues, I get the feeling the ship does not want you to leave but shhhh don't let it know that i know. The unique thing about this teleporter location is that when the area is locked down, it will start to flood with water and you will actually be battling the zombie hordes while taking a swimming lesson.

Also the infamous Blight Fathers will also be spawning in here. Most zombies spawn underneath the sets of stairs and from little nooks and crannies so just be extra careful as they are coming from all angles so check your full 360 degrees all around, up down, left right. Also don't forget to come up from air from time to time, even video game characters need to breathe.

When the lockdown is over, the blue Sentinel Artefact will hover in the middle of the room again, floating on top of the water. Pick it up before you go, things worth a fortune!

Onward and onto the next pad, the Electric Pad.

Electric Pad - Shocking discovery

The Electricity symbol / elements plug was located in the 1st Class Lounge in this play through. Everyone press the USE button on the pad and you will be again teleported outside, this time arriving at the Boat Deck.

Here is a very tight area and the zombies / Blight Fathers can spawn from many sides or climb up from areas where you may not be expecting them too. Again lockdown, kill kill kill, then pickup the artefact after the screen goes grey and we can progress onto the last pad to sew this up nicely in a neat little package.

Fire Pad - Goodness gracious great elemental balls of fire

The fire symbol plug was located on the Upper Grand Staircase in this play through. Lets do the ritual again and everyone hop on the pad and see what the last task is to do.

When you hit the teleportation and are split into millions of atoms then reassembled, you appear in the Boiler Room. 

Again lock down mode ensues and along with tons of the usual zombies, there are lots and lots of Stoker zombie sin here who have obviously been stoking the boilers to keep the engines running.

When you kill sufficient amount of these zombies, again the artefact will come down and you can pick it up and that is this section over with in relation to the symbols.

You Kraken Me Up Man......mwuuahaha!

For this next part, we need:

  • The Kraken wonder weapon to kill a poison zombie, in order to pickup the decontaminated decay pot. This decay pot will give us an elemental version of the Kraken.
  • To have built the wonder weapon distillation kit. All part for this are built in the Engine Room area.
What we are going to do in this room is mend some pipes that are leaking on board the Titanic with the Kraken wonder weapon. Normally I would call a plumber, or Super Mario Bros if they were around, but they ain' its up to you to become ships engineer, plumber, zombie killer....pipe fixer upper this time around.

We need to look around the Turbine room in the following locations in the image below and shoot the burst pipes spewing out steam / smoke with the Kraken to partially seal them.

When you shoot the pipe correctly you will see a red X hit marker appear indicating its sealed. Soon as you see this, move onto the next one. 

Once all of these blue pipes have been mended, you will notice the water level rising in the Boiler Room. This will rise and put out all fires in the Boiler Room which is handy.

We now need to place the Artefact you have been carrying around, into the Pack A Punch machine in this area. If the Pack A Punch is not currently located in the Boiler Room, you will need to flip the round in order to get it to appear in here. 

When Pack A Punch it eventually appears in the Boiler Room, it will give you the option to Pack A Punch the it.

When it is finished being upgraded, don't forget to pick it back up again.

Take me to the Stars Above
Now we have to go around the map and activate a few different symbols that relate to different planets and celestial bodies. When you activate each of the symbols, the actual planet it relates to, or the sun, will spawn in the sky....very end of the world kinda feeling I'm getting here, but it has to be done.

Activating the symbols for the planets can be done in any order so go nuts and choose a totally random sequence of activating them in. 

The locations of these symbols are:

  • Forecastle - SUN SYMBOL - behind the teleporter, on the air vent

  • Mail Rooms - MERCURY SYMBOL - on left side of pigeon / sorting holes

  • Millionaires Suites - VENUS SYMBOL - underneath table beside 4 post bed

  • Lower Grand Staircase - MOON SYMBOL - on one of the white wall panels

  • BridgeSATURN SYMBOL - in the small room facing the steering wheel on left side of brown cupboard

  • Boiler Room - MARS SYMBOL - underneath the gangway and against the wall. Its quite far down so need to go prone in order to activate this one.

  • Engine Room - JUPITER SYMBOL - on top of a box lying on the ground

  • Aft Decks - NEPTUNE SYMBOL - inside the life saving flotation rings centre

  • State Rooms - URANUS SYMBOL - hidden behind a lush green plant in the bathroom

Once all of these symbols have been activated, go outside and look up. You will see all the planets in the sky above you. When you see them all you can then move onto the next step.

Somebody Pull The Plug
Next we need to go into the Cargo Hold area and lower the water level in here. Once it has lowered, on top of some boxes will be a model of the solar system. Simply walk up to it and interact with it. 

This will cause the planets to start to flash one by one in a particular sequence. Memorise this sequence and write its sequence down in order of planets. You can activate this model as many times as you want so do not worry if you didn't get it all memorised or written down the first time.

Simply hit use on it again and it will replay the animation.

Here is the sequence of planets that occurred in my game, they change each play through the sequence, but here is the names of the planets in relation to their colours as reference:

If your not 100% sure what order the planets are in from the sun, don't fret, this diagram will help show the planets in order from the sun and give a visual representation of their colours to match the model.

When you trigger this Solar System model, it will turn this into an INFINITE ZOMBIE round and will not rest until you are either dead.......or have completed this step.

When you activate the model, it will also spawn holograms of the sun and the planets appearing in the sky outside.

Also when the solar system model is flashing, you will notice that the planet NEPTUNE is actually pointing down, while all the other are pointing up. This is because NEPTUNE won't actually appear in the sky. It is floating around the map under the water.

Star Destroyer
Next we need to go to the upper decks of the Titanic so we can get a clear view of the sky, the Boat Deck area is probably the best area for all round visibility. Now we have to shoot the planets in the order that they were glowing on the solar system model. Sort of like the game Simon says which has appeared in previous zombie maps.

As you shoot each planet you will know your hitting it with a red X hit marker appearing. When you shoot he planet, it will launch a BLUE ORB and shoot it towards the Titanic.

As you destroy each planet, this BLUE ORB will land in the original area which had the symbol for the specific planet you just destroyed.....and possibly wiped out all life on, from the locations described in the previous step called "Take me to the Stars Above".

Here are the locations where each of the blue orbs will land for each planet:

  • Neptune - Alt Decks
  • Mercury - Mail Rooms
  • Moon - Lower Grand Staircase
  • Jupiter - Engine Room
  • Saturn - Bridge
  • Mars - Boiler Room
  • Uranus - State Room
  • Venus - Millionaire Suites
  • Sun - Spawn

When the orb comes down you will have to go into each of these areas and pick up the orb. Hopefully no Aliens have come along with it or it will be an encounter of the third kind.

Now when the BLUE ORB has landed in its respective location, you need to get down there ASAP and pick it up as there is a timer before it disappears, which is not as long as a piece of string. If playing with more than one person, one person can stay on the top decks and shoot the planets while another one stays at each location ready to pick up that planets orb immediately. Make sure to wait until your friend is at the location before initiating the orb.

If you shoot the planets in the wrong order at any point, the planets will disappear from the sky and you will have to wait till the next round to be able to activate the solar system model again, to make them reappear, allowing you to go through the process again.

The sun will be the last planet in the sequence to be shot.

Get over here Sunny Jim
Once the Sun has been shot down, the orb will appear in the SPAWN AREA in the Forecastle area. All players need to haul ass to this location and hold the use button on the blue orb

You will notice the screen will go white again and this will activate a timer. However, when you start to make your way through the ship, you will notice block of ice starting to block access to areas and staircases etc. 

You need to destroy this ice blocks as you go and make your way to the other end of the ship to the Poop Deck as quickly as your little legs will carry you. 

If you fail this step and don't get to the other end in time, the screen will turn black and you will have to wait till the next round, then reactivate this step again. The ice blocks you previously destroyed will have returned and need turned into Popsicle's one more time.

When we finally get to the other end of the ship and destroy the final Ice Block at the furthest back section of the Poop Deck, the screen will turn white, letting you know you have done it in time. It will also display a symbol that appeared from when we were doing the sparking plug steps, and this will be a teleporter that takes you to the boss fight.

Before entering the boss fight, everyone says the Elemental Kraken upgrade, the water one, is one of the best ones to do the most damage on the main boss in this map. So if one of your team has it your in with a good chance.

All players need to stand in the symbol and press the USE button. You will see the message "Hold to proceed, you won't come back from this". Now you will be taken to meet your doom.....or success as you will have completed it yay!

Click here to go to Part 3 of the Easter Egg Guide

Still not sure how to do it? Then check out MrDalekJD's youtube video below:

Thanks for reading as always guys
