Sunday 26 June 2022

Shi No Numa Reborn Easter Egg Guide Part 2 - Call of Duty Vanguard Zombies

Map Layouts: -- Main Spawn -- Fishing Hut -- Comm Room -- Storage Hut -- Doctor's Quarters -- Dig Site -- 

Easter Egg Guide: -- Part 1 -- Part 2 -- Part 3 --

Secrets: -- Hidden Easter Egg Songs -- Building the Wunderwaffe DG-2 -- Rampage Inducer -- Bunny Easter Egg --

Cypher, paper.....scissors
Now we have the WUNDERWAFFE DG-2 wonder weapon constructed, we are now going to search for 3 CYPHER WHEELS and 3 PIECES OF PAPER scattered around the map. 

  • The 3 CYPHER WHEELS are very easy to find and are located in the following places...

Dormitory - This CYPHER WHEEL is taking a nap
The first location is on the bedside table of the bunkbeds in the DORMITORY area of the map. This is located on the ground floor of the MAIN SPAWN area right beside the M1 Garand wall buy.

Dig Site - This CYPHER WHEEL packs a real punch!
This next location is on top of a table facing the PACK A PUNCH machine, located at the DIG SITE area. It is quite easy to see and is on the table beside some skulls and bones retrieved from the DIG SITE.

Doctor's Quarters - THIS CYPHER WHEEL is not feeling so good
This is located in the side room when you enter the Doctor's Quarters on the right hand side of his quarters. The CYPHER WHEEL is sitting on top of some boxes next to the lantern.

Now that we have found the 3 CYPHER WHEELS, it is time to find the 3 PIECES OF PAPER on the map that we need for the Easter Egg.

Paper round
Here are the following locations of the 3 pieces of paper we will need to find and make a note of the symbol that is shown on each piece of paper.

This piece of paper is crafty at hiding
The first piece of paper is actually stuck to the CRAFTING TABLE in the DIG SITE area, located just to the right of the PACK A PUNCH MACHINE. It is stuck to the back board of the crafting table. Make a note of this symbol.

Communication is the key
Next location is in the COMM ROOM itself and is located on the table in the corner, adjacent to the RADIO that you had to charge the VACUUM TUBE for. Again take a note of this symbol.

Excavating paper
The last location for the third piece of paper is in the MAIN SPAWN building on the ground floor, in the EXCAVATION ROOM. It is on the table facing the large Magnet looking device that you use Zaballa's attacks to charge a VACUUM TUBE up with here.

The thing here is, some idiot has put some books on top of the paper, so it can be easily missed if you did not know where it was. Simply shoot the books on the table facing the electrical device and it will blow the books away, shredding them. You will then see the piece of paper staring up at you. Take a note of this third symbol.

Input Cipher Wheels and Code....kind of like Chip and PIN today
Now we have our 3 CYPHER WHEELS and our 3 PIECES OF PAPER and symbols, we need to head over to the Doctor's Quarters Exterior and over to the STONE CIPHER we unearthed at the start of the game, by releasing its spell.

Walk up to it and insert the 3 CYPHER WHEEL parts to begin with, then it will ask us for a code that needs input. Basically the code needs to line up with the 3 symbols immediately in the centre column of this wheel. Each symbol corresponds to another symbol and we should input the corresponding symbols from the reference image below, provided by MR ROFLWAFFLES:

Now we need to match up our symbols we had on the piece of paper, to the ones located on the CYHPER WHEELS. For example, in MR ROFLWAFFLES video where he demonstrates this, he has the symbol he found on a piece of paper, then he has to translate it to a symbol that is found on the CYPHER WHEEL:

We then just need to match up the other 2 symbols that he found on the pieces of paper. The symbol's are not duplicated on each of the 3 wheels, so it is easy to see which one you are currently working on.

Once you have completed this step, you will get an audio prompt from VERCANNA saying "Well done. Now to awaken the monolith and summon Saraxis's lost memories."

Not another lockdown
Now we have have awoken the monolith with a slap to the face with a cypher wheel, we will stay in this area of the DOCTOR'S QUARTERS EXTERIOR. Before moving onto the next step, make sure that you have the WUNDERWAFFE DG-2 in your hands at this point, as it is needed for this next Easter Egg step. 

Depending on how many people are playing the game, there will be GLOWING PODIUMS in the area, which you will need to walk up to and hit the use button on. If you are in SOLO, there will be one podium glowing red, 2....2 podiums glowing red, 3....well you get the idea. If there are more than one of you in the game, each person needs to go up to a podium and hold the use button at the same time as everyone else in order to activate the ceremony.

Going up to one of the PODIUMS if your in SOLO MODE and hitting the use button on it will initiate a ceremony / mini lock down, where you will need to kill BLUE GLOWING ZOMBIES near the STONE MONOLITH only with the WUNDERWAFFE DG-2 wonder weapon in order to successfully charge it with zombies souls.

Streams of blue energy will be emanating from the podiums towards the STONE MONOLITH while the ceremony is taking place and a BLUE ORB will appear on top of the STONE MONOLIGHT that the PODIUMS blue energy is feeding into. 

Make sure to kill the zombies with the BLUE GLOW around them as close to the central part of the island the STONE MONOLITH is situated on. If they are too far away, each zombie kill will not count. Also make sure your killing them only with the WUNDERWAFFE DG-2 as normal kills with normal weapons do not count.

Do not worry if the ceremony ends and you have not got enough kills to charge up the STONE MONOLITH. Simply wait until the next round and reactivate the PODIUMS once they have charged up again. Each zombie successfully killed will release a lighter blue piece of energy that travels toward the STONE MONLITH.

Once completed there will be another white flash on the screen and everyone will congratulate you on a job well done. VERCANNA will then mention that "At last, the monument awakens. Now Saraxis, face your past."

Also a BLUE ORB will spawn in and start having a chat with you, not over tea or coffee, just a little heart to heart, good old fashioned chat.

I used to be a jogger, now I am activating the flogger
Next we need to fill up the EMPTY FOUNTAIN that is in the FLOGGER COURTYARD just outside the MAIN SPAWN building's ground floor. All we need to do here is ACTIVATE THE FLOGGER TRAP at a cost of 750, then just let the zombies trundle down into it and get flogged into oblivion.

As you start to kill the zombies, you will see the EMPTY FOUNTAIN start to fill up with BLOOD, which you will then drink.....I know your not a vampire.....but this blood does have some special qualities.

Then we can move onto the next step!

Still unsure of how to do it? Then check out MrRoflWaffles video below:

Thanks for reading as always guys.


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