Sunday 26 June 2022

Shi No Numa Reborn Easter Egg Guide Part 3 - Call of Duty Vanguard Zombies


Map Layouts: -- Main Spawn -- Fishing Hut -- Comm Room -- Storage Hut -- Doctor's Quarters -- Dig Site -- 

Easter Egg Guide: -- Part 1 -- Part 2 -- Part 3 --

Secrets: -- Hidden Easter Egg Songs -- Building the Wunderwaffe DG-2 -- Rampage Inducer -- Bunny Easter Egg --

Zombie goggles
Now we have filled the EMPTY FOUNTAIN in the flogger courtyard with blood from zombie kills with the FLOGGER RAP itself, go over to this fountain which is now full of blood and take a drink from it. Yummmmyyy!!

When in this zombie vision mode, the screen will be a slight tinge of green and grey mixed together, making everything seem a but duller. What we need to do when we drink this blood is to find a RED ENERGY ORB that will be situated somewhere around the map.

In most play throughs, people suggest checking the EXCAVATION ROOM on the ground floor of the MAIN SPAWN building, as this is where it appears most. However, it can appear in other random places as well if it is not here. Simply go into each area of the map until you find this RED ORB.

When you find this RED ORB, simply run into while in ZOMBIE VISION MODE, this will make it start to move around. Follow it until it reaches its new destination, wherever that may be. While following it, there will be an enormous amount of BOOM SCHREIER'S trying to take you down as you follow in its footsteps....or hover steps should I say.

If you lose sight of the RED ORB and not sure where it is before the ZOMBIE VISION wears off, you can simply restart it again by filling up the EMPTY FOUNTAIN WITH BLOOD again by using the FLOGGER TRAP to kill zombies then restarting it over again.

When it reaches its final destination, it will turn into a RELIC MIRROR FRAGMENT that you can pick up. Then we can move onto the next section.

Mapping out a plan of attack
While in ZOMBIE VISION mode, head over to the WAR ROOM on the ground floor of the MAIN SPAWN area and have a look at the map. This will tell us, while only in ZOMBIE VISION MODE, where the second half of the RELIC MIRROR FRAGMENT is located. 

This changes each play through but in this example, it is located in the COMM ROOM itself. Sometimes these can be hard to see, however if you listen closely to it, they do make a very distinct noise when you are near them.

This one is stuck in the roof, so in order to get it down, you need to shoot it. Once you shoot it, it will fall to the ground and you can simply pick it up. Now we have 2 pieces of a broken mirror and 7 years bad luck.....great.

I am digging this level
Now we have the 2 mirror pieces, head over to the DIG SITE area and place the broken mirror pieces onto the PODIUM in the centre of the DIG SITE. You will see a prompt for "Place Relic Mirror Fragment" and holding the USE BUTTON will activate it.

Once you have activated this PODIUM, you will see ESSENCE starting to appear around it. Depending on how many people are in the game depends on how much ESSENCE spawns around this mirror.

If it is just a SOLO GAME, then only one BLUE ORB will spawn on a PODIUM. If there are 2 players, 2 spawn and....again its the same with the STONE MONOLITH CEREMONY we completed earlier.

Go up to this BLUE ESSENCE ORB and hold the USE BUTTON on it and it will cause it to fly up into the air, then shoot off in a random direction. What you need to do here is keep an eye on it and run in the direction it shot off into, as we will need to find it again.

When you find it, shoot it and it will move again. You will notice it can be located in the roof of some of the buildings around the map and when approaching these buildings it gives off a slight blue glow from the roof. When you locate it again shoot it, try to keep track again of the direction it went in. 

As it reaches its third and final location, shoot it once more, than it will return back to the DIG SITE. You will know you have been successful when VERCANNA mentions "Get in position, seedlings. You know what to do."

If your playing on multiplayer on this map and NOT SOLO, they will need to do the same thing with the other BLUE ORB ESSENCES flying around the map, shooting each, depending on how many players are in the game.

IF PLAYING IN CO OP, we will need to go back to the DIG SITE and repeat this process one more time. The BLUE ESSENCE ORBS will fly away to different spawn locations again and you will do the same thing one more time for the orbs, shooting them again 3 times.

If you fail any part of this task, it will simply reset and you can do it again with no problem at all.

In SOLO MODE you will only need to do this once with the BLUE ESSENCE ORBS and not a second time like in co-op.

Digging up memories from the past
Now lets head back to the DIG SITE where we will try to free Saraxis' memories once and for all. When you get back to the DIG SITE, there will be one single PODIUM with a BLUE ESSENCE ORB floating on top of it. 

Walk up to it and it will have a prompt for SUMMON ECHO. This is the main boss fight so before you do anything, upgrade every weapon, armour, perk, grenade and piece of equipment you have in your armoury to the max, before proceeding. Nothing wrong with a little helping hand to make your life easier and Echo's life a little shorter.

Hold the use button on it and we will be in the main fight. A BLUE ORB will appear first of essence, then it will turn red to indicate that the evil has arrived, better late than never I guess.

We will also definitely need the WUNDERWAFFE DG-2 for this otherwise your done for. As you will see voice prompts telling you that you need to CHARGE UP THE MIRROR HALVES WITH YOUR WONDER WEAPON BEING THE KEY.

Nice to meet you Echo Echo.....wait why did you say my name twice? I didn't!
When the fight starts, normal zombies will spawn in again with the BLUE GLOW around them. What we need to do is simply shoot them again with the WUNDERWAFFE DG-2 when they are near the BLUE ESSENCE ORB in the centre of the DIG SITE. 

When we shoot them near it, you will see the light blue energy released, drawn to the BLUE ENERGY ORB, charging it up. Feed this BLUE ORB around 20 glowing blue zombie souls and then when there are enough souls in the BLUE ORB, it will generate a BLUE BUBBLE around it up to a certain distance away.

What we need to do here is lure ECHO into this bubble, which will then allow you to damage her, then simply unload every weapon at your disposal at her until you get her health bar down to zero for this part.

When you finish the first part, you will be given a max ammo, along with armour and a few other bits and pieces to help you on your way for the next phase.

The next phase will start and the process repeats, except this time around they are not normal zombies, they are the PEST ZOMBIES which will be GLOWING BLUE and be used to charge up the BLUE ORB in the centre.

Again, the same thing happens, charge this orb up with the blue glowing PEST ZOMBIES then a bubble will form. Lure Echo into the bubble and give it all you have got damage wise to try to destroy her, then it will reset again for phase 3 of the same thing.

Only this time, the zombies that are GLOWING BLUE are the STURMKRIEGER ZOMBIES that shoot back at you and have heavy armour. Repeat the whole process again, charge the orb, lure echo into the bubble, damage her until she dies.....Easter Egg complete woo hoo!

Once you have completed it a CUT SCENE will play. Check out the CUT SCENE below from MRDALEKJD below:

Once this cut scene has finished, you can walk up to the DIG SITE PODIUM in the middle where you put the 2 MIRROR PIECES TOGETHER and pick up the RELIC MIRROR. The PODIUM will then start spitting out some goodies as a reward for getting rid of ECHO and restoring SARAXIS'S memories.

You will also be rewarded with a GUARANTEED RAY GUN if you complete the entire Easter Egg. This will appear when the PODIUM is spitting out rewards for destroying the boss on this map ECHO, so be sure to pick it up!

Still not sure how to do it? Then check out MR ROFLWAFFLES video below:

Thanks for reading as always guys.


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