COD Zombified, the Call Of Duty Secrets and Maps blog that creates maps for each of the zombie level layouts, along with weapon locations, parts for blue print tables, locations of perks and hidden easter eggs. We have every zombies map from Nacht Der Untoten to Operation Deadbolt! Covers Black Ops Games right up to Call Of Duty Black Ops 6 The Tomb Maps. 100% unofficial
Obtaining the Crowbar The first thing you’ll want to do is head to the motel and look for the crowbar near the blueprint table. Pick it up (you’ll need a spare weapon slot) and then you’re ready to get started. We’ll be using this crowbar to break open several boxes around the map in relation to different tasks we will need to complete, mainly related to the main Easter Egg so hang onto it with dear life. Not sure where to find it? Then check out the video below from MJPWGaming:
Skull 1 Locate and Shoot 5 Skulls located around the map, locations below. Once complete a success tone will be heard and you will have obtained the 1st Skull on the Skullhop Machine:
Behind Dumpster near Power Plant
Couch inside Window at Power Plant
Mason's Sign near Tuff Nuff
Top of Rock in the Ocean
Under Bus on Bridge
Top right Balcony of Motel
Barrier in TV Station
Bathroom behind Snack Shack
Under-side of Shelf in back of Market
Back-left of building to right of Fishing Shop
Skull 2 Navigate to the Gas Station and obtain the yellow Pump on the ground.
Navigate to the Puddle of Toxic Waste near the Ice Cream Shop, place the Pump in the small Puddle and wait for it to fill completely. Once filled after roughly 4 minutes the player will be able to obtain the Pump once again by activating it in the Puddle.
Once complete a success tone will be heard and you will have obtained the 2nd Skull on the Skullhop Machine.
Skull 3 Navigate to the Motel Pool and place the Pump in the water. Obtain the Gas and activate the Generator Trap, kill exactly 16 Zombies with the Generator Trap, once complete a success tone will be heard and you will have obtained the 3rd Skull on the Skullhop Machine.
Skull 4 Navigate to the Ice Cream Shop and note the word written on the outside wall.
Navigate to the Playground and Drive-In Theatre Screen, 4 total Letters will spawn at the Swings, activating the Letters at the Swings will change which letters appear on the Screen. Using this key, spell out your word found on the wall outside of the Ice Cream Shop.
Once complete a success tone will be heard and you will have obtained the 4th Skull on the Skullhop Machine.
Skull 5 Navigate to the RV Park and activate the "Don't Blink" piece of paper on a table.
Re-Obtain the Pump from the Pool, navigate to each of the 4 Willard Wyler Portraits around the map, locations below, activate the Portrait and place the Pump on the ground in front of the Portrait, melee the Pump to release the Demons.
You must continue to shoot the Demons until the Shield disappears. Repeat this step for each of the 4 Portraits. Once complete a success tone will be heard and you will have obtained the 5th Skull on the Skullhop Machine.
Portrait Locations:
Dumpster behind Gas Station
Office at Motel
Ice Cream Shop
Office in the Market
Skull 6 Obtain the M.A.D. and equip the Plunger to it, navigate to the Skullhop Machine in the Ice Cream Shop and shoot a charged shot at it. Once complete a success tone will be heard and you will have obtained the 6th and final Skull on the Skullhop Machine.
All players must now activate the Machine at the same time to enter the Skullhop Game.
NOTE: You have to repeat this step if you fail the actual Skullhop game.
Once within the Skullhop game the Players must stand on the Platform matching the colour on the sides of the Skulls. Entangle the Blocks floating in the air and shoot the Block at the Skulls until all the Skulls are gone. Once all 3 Stages are complete the players will be rewarded with all Perks in Infinite Warfare Zombies.
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Still unsure how to do it? Then check out XGodsOfWar's video below:
Double Pack-a-Punch First obtain the Crowbar, then navigate to Pack-a-Punch, press the Button on the left wall, the player will now teleport within an RV. Locate the damaged cabinet (should be above you) and melee it with the Crowbar, within the Alien Fuses can be obtained.
Next complete the following tasks:
Fill up Elvira's vial by getting Cleaver kills
Navigate to the Power Station, place the Alien Fuses on the ground near the Electric Trap.
Activate the Electric Trap and once it's done you can pick up the Alien Fuses and place them in the Pack-a-Punch machine.
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Still unsure how to get it? Check out Slick Joes YouTube video below:
In order to obtain this awesome weapon, you need to be a gambling person with a bit of luck on your side, as there is no other way to obtain it other than using the Mystery Wheel. You cannot build or upgrade this weapon anywhere else in the game so your only chance is with the Mystery Wheel. Keep on using the Mystery Wheel until you get lucky and obtain the MAD Wonder Weapon.
It may cost a small fortune to obtain, but the initial weapon is very powerful indeed and will safeguard you through quite a few of the lower rounds before it loses it punch and needs to be upgraded to see its full potential.
How to Upgrade the MAD Wonder Weapon as if it wasn't insanely powerful enough!
After obtaining the MAD Wonder Weapon, you must upgrade it. The upgrade is done in two steps and you will need some parts and equipment to upgrade it.
Step 1 – Get the Crowbar
Before you start with getting other parts required for the upgrade, you must get the crowbar melee weapon, which can open the fuse boxes for the step 2. You can obtain this crowbar at the Motel near the buildable table. Go to the Pool and head to the 4-5 steps in the corner. The steps will lead you into the Boiler Room where you will find the crowbar on the floor. Pic it up and you are ready for step 2.
Step 2 – Find All Buildable Parts
Now that you have obtained the crowbar, you must find three parts for MAD to upgrade it. These parts are located in three fuse boxes around the map. Once you get at a box, use your crowbar to open it up and you will get the part inside.
Fuse Box 1 – The first fuse box is located outside the restroom in the RV Park, which contains the Grip for the weapon.
Fuse Box 2 – The second fuse box is located behind the Gas Station/Diner, which contains the Plunger for the weapon. Fuse Box 3– The third fuse box is located outside the TV Station, which contains the Crank for the weapon.
After obtaining all three upgrade parts, your MAD will be upgraded automatically. You do not need to do anything else. You will also unlock the ‘MAD Proto’ Trophy. After upgrading MAD, you can refill its ammo from the acid eggs scattered around the map which means you now have unlimited ammo for your MAD.
Still unsure how to get it? Check out Code Name Pizza's YouTube Video Below:
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