Thursday, 15 September 2022

Archon Pack A Punch Machine and Decimator Shield guide - Call Of Duty Vanguard Zombies


Map Layouts: -- Temple -- East Spring / Tents / Fuel Depot / Radio Post / Outpost Courtyard -- Merchant Road / Debris Field /The Spike /Storehouse  -- West Spring / Bazaar / Arroyo / Merchant Road West / Train Wreck / Derailment --

Easter Egg Guide: -- Part 1 -- Part 2 -- Part 3 --

Hi guys,

here is how to assemble the Pack A Punch Machine and obtain the Decimator Shield in the zombies map Archon for Call Of Duty Vanguard. This is quite easy to do and as soon as you spawn into the game it even highlights as waypoints where 2 Pack A Punch Machine Parts are located that you need to pick up. The Pack A Punch Machine needs assembled before you can obtain the DECIMATOR SHIELD as it requires you to go into the Dark Aether and come out again to activate trials etc within the map that require the DECIMATOR SHIELD's talents.

Once you pick the 2 machine parts up for the Pack A Punch Machine, you simply head back to the ghostly outline of where the Pack A Punch is located, which is in the TEMPLE area and it will start a TRIAL that needs completed. Basically all you have to do is kill all the zombies that spawn and use their souls to charge up the Pack A Punch machine, simples.

It's a game of 2 halves as they say.....well a machine with 2 parts really. Then a small recharge of the batteries with fresh zombie souls and your as good as new for the Pack A Punch Machine.

The Decimator Shield is very easy to get as well and just involves finding the RED ORB in the DEBRIS FIELD area and locating 3 cursed items and returning it to its location.

Lets get a bit more in depth to it and show the locations of where these machine parts and decimator locations are on the maps below.

Machine Parts That Pack A Real Punch
When we first spawn into the Archon map, we will notice there are 2 indicators on the screen with objective markers on them. 

Head over to each of these locations the marker is pinpointing and you will find at each location, a piece of the Pack A Punch machine that you will need to pick up.

The first location is on top of the train carriages that are tipped over onto their side in the SPIKE area.

The second location is on top of the train carriages that are tipped over onto their side in the DERAILMENT area.

Once these 2 machine parts have been obtained, make your way back to the MAIN SPAWN area which is in the TEMPLE area and hold the use button on the broken Pack A Punch machine. This will trigger a RITUAL which spawns in zombies that you simply have to kill in order to complete the ritual.

Once they have all been killed near the Pack A Punch Machine to charge it up with their souls, the screen will flash white as if you have stared into a KABOOM Nuke going off point blank into your eyeballs, followed by some dialogue starting with Von List.

Then the Pack A Punch Machine is available to use, its definitely one of the easiest ways of activating Pack A Punch that has been seen in any of the zombie maps, apart from the ones where it is active straight from the get go of the round as soon as you spawn in.

Now we have the Pack A Punch Machine up and running, we can now proceed onto obtaining the decimatingly awesome DECIMATOR SHIELD.

Decimating zombie souls since the dawn of time
Simply let the dialogue waffle on from returning from the portal and restoring the Pack A Punch machine to its former glory, until a PLINTH appears in front of the Pack A Punch machine in the middle of the TEMPLE area.

Simply walk up to this PLINTH and hold the use button on it to put down the RELIC MIRROR on it that was obtained from completing the last zombies level called Shi No Numa Reborn. Don't panic, you do not have to have completed Shi No Numa Reborn in order to obtain the mirror......I could sense you were getting worried when reading that previous sentence.

Once the RELIC MIRROR has been placed on the PLINTH, a portal will spawn to the left of the PLINTH when facing the Pack A Punch machine. This will then ask you to enter the DARK AETHER. Walk up to it, take a deep breath, don't be scared, then hold the use button to enter the portal.

Reaching New Heights
When we come out of the portal, we will be in the DARK AETHER area called STYGIAN HEIGHTS, a lovely part of the world. Take in the sights....or should I say the "heights"....hehe.....why do I hear the wind whistling in the background and a tumbleweed blow across the land in the distance when I said that?

All you need to do in here is survive for a minute or two killing zombies and moving around the area. You will then get a bit of a shock after this time, as you will be automatically downed by the game after this time. As this is meant to happen, you will not lose any of the perks you currently have acquired up to this point so no need to worry, it's all good.

There will then be some dialogue again and you will be then teleported back to the main part of the map to continue on with the Easter egg quest.

When you are teleported back to the main map area, head over to the head over to the DEBRIS FIELD area, we are going to look for RED CRYSTALS that have a glow/twinkle of energy emanating from them. Some of these can be slightly outside the map or higher up on a ledge that needs you to keep your eyes peeled and sharp. Searching the DEBRIS FIELD for these GLOWING RED CRYSTALS, keep shooting them until a RED ENERGY ORB appears from one of them.

When this orb has been located, it will float down and you can walk up to it and press the use button on it to pick it up. The DECIMATOR will then give you a clue with some dialogue as to the next step of action to take, by saying The orb says "Search your enemy's home away from home".

Use your skull, not your brain
Once we have the red orb and been given this clue from the Decimator, head over to the BAZAAR area and go to the upstairs section, just to the right of the YELLOW PERK FOUNTAIN. Here you will find on a shelf a RED GLOWING CURSED SKULL. Press the used button to pick this up. This is one of three items we will need to return to the red orb.

Once you pick up this skull, you will not be able to sprint anymore. you will also have activated a challenge on the left hand side of the screen, which can be "KILLING ENEMIES CAUSES DAMAGE". This is pretty self explanatory but killing zombies on your way to taking this CURSED SKULL back to the location of the RED ORB, will hurt you pretty badly.

When you get back to the RED ORB, simply hold the use button and you will OFFER THE CURSED SKULL to the orb. Next we will head over to the EAST SPRINGS area and to the TENTS.

I would take my hat off to you, if I could find it
Now head over to the EAST SPRINGS area and to the TENTS. Here you will find another cursed item, which will be in the form of an OFFICERS HAT, beside the crafting table in the tent. 

Simply pick this item up and it will activate another challenge while you try to deliver this object to the RED ORB. For instance in this occasion, the challenge was "RELOAD DISABLED" for your weapon, so when you magazine is out, its empty until you get the hat delivered to the orb. When holding this item, it also means you cannot sprint either.

Simply go up to the orb and you will offer the CURSED OFFICERS HAT to the orb and we can move onto the final item we need to find.

I have a bone to dig with you mister shovel
The last item we will look for is beneath our feet and needs dug up from the ground. To do this, we will need to locate a SHOVEL

There are many spawn locations for the shovel, simply pick up the SHOVEL from anywhere you can find it and head over to the DERAILMENT area and in the very back area in the corner, there should be a DIG SITE which when you hold the use button on with the SHOVEL equipped, it will dig up the CURSED FEMUR.

Pick this up and lets hot tail it back over to the red orb for delivery. As you already know, you will have activated another challenge here and is available to see on the left hand side of the screen. In this instance it was HIP FIRE ONLY, so our accuracy would be a little off as we fight our way back to the red orb for delivery.

When we get back to the red orb, offer the CURSED FEMUR to it by holding the use button on it and your good to go. 

Once you have completed this ritual, the DECIMATOR SHIELD will drop down in this area, the DEBRIS FIELD, which you can now pick it up to use at your discretion. As we all know the DECIMATOR SHIELD has 2 attacks, a melee attack and a decimation blast, which has a 30 second cool down in between uses.

Thanks for reading as always guys.


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