COD Zombified, the Call Of Duty Secrets and Maps blog that creates maps for each of the zombie level layouts, along with weapon locations, parts for blue print tables, locations of perks and hidden easter eggs. We have every zombies map from Nacht Der Untoten to Operation Deadbolt! Covers Black Ops Games right up to Call Of Duty Black Ops 6 The Tomb Maps. 100% unofficial
Hi guys, here is the Cargo hold area layout, which is in the "belly of the beast" so to speak inside the Atlas Carrier. This is where stompy the cargos zombie exterminator lives in his little room who is activated when the security switch is pressed. He will happily come out and bulldoze over all the zombies he see's as well as providing a brief distraction from them wanting to munch one your brains, as his flashing lights and twirly bone crusher attachment, fascinates the zombies more than your gooey insides!
You will also find the Exo Suit in here as well as an MP11 sub machine gun and 3 credit machines, great if the bank is closed and you need some extra dosh. There are two ways in, one side from the BIO LAB area and one from the LIFT area. Here is the Cargo Map Layout for "Carrier" for Call Of Duty Advanced Warfare Exo Zombies:
The room where CHOMPY the robotic bulldozer comes out of is where part of the Easter Egg is activated by throwing in a teleport grenade into his room when the door opens either when he spawns or when he has done his few laps of the cargo hold and goes back inside. As always thanks for reading and I hope your enjoying the level! Henry
Hi guys,
I have been having a lot of fun playing Carrier Exo Zombies and this is the penultimate map layout area before I do the last one, which is the Cargo hold.
MOON POOL map layout:
The moon pool area will give you a giggle when you turn on the security feature of this area. If your tired of zombies chasing you non stop, let them cool off and take a flight with zombie airways and allow a jet of water from the moon pool to fling them high into the hair gracefully landing with an almighty thud on the floor :). The security in this area doesn't kill the zombies but it does slow them down drastically to buy you time to kill them when they are down or to do a runner. This room also houses part of the Easter Egg as in the centre of the moon pool underneath is where a shark will come eventually where you will retrieve Captain DJ's eyeball from the shark that swims underneath. If you are unsure how to do this, check out the Full Easter Egg Guide here for the Carrier map. It also has a decontamination zone which is always helpful as the green smokey zombies always spawn just when things are going a little to well and trying to fight the zombie hordes to get to these devices is not always easy on this map trust me in later levels its a nightmare! There are also explosion drones that can be bought here for use in the grenade disposal machine when throwing in the grenades in the correct order to get the tablet PC from it. Lastly there is a door that leads to the lift area, be careful going down these narrow corridors as its usually where most deaths in the map take place. Suck that gut in and squeeze past those zombie maniacs! Enjoy as always and thanks for reading.
I was checking my email when I got home and found the advert for Call Of Duty: Black Ops III multiplayer footage and I have just watched it and my verdict is........THIS LOOKS AWESOME!!!!
The Call Of Duty Black Ops 3 Multiplayer Reveal:
I was worried that it is going to be exactly the same as every other Call Of Duty multiplayer which really has not changed at all since Call Of Duty 4:Modern Warfare to be honest. Modern Warfare 1 had me up late nights with a sore trigger finger, stingy eyes and covered in Doritos or Salt & Vinegar Chipsticks crumbs all over me as I did not want to switch off my console or sleep a wink in case I missed something. Black Ops 3 looks like it is using the Titanfallengine if you watch closely the way it moves is very like it and the way the players can grab on the walls and slide down them or hold onto it briefly is exactly the same as Titanfall. I am glad they have chosen a new engine as compared to Battlefield, which has changed itself completely quite successfully from warzone and army people fighting to cops and robbers scenario, has actually worked very well. I am glad to see that finally this will be the turning point for Call Of Duty fans where it will be as big a come back I hope as Modern Warfare 1!
I cannot wait for it and as you know, I am a major fanboy for the zombies mode of which I will be doing the map layouts and guides for the new maps when they come. Please at E3 give us a teaser of what the zombies is going to be like or at least who the new characters will be. I thought it would be cool if somehow they could do a six player zombie mode as well as four, with different objectives to do depending on how many people are playing. I am pretty sure the Xbox One and Playstation 4 consoles could handle it if this has been solely developed on next generation consoles, I mean battlefield has 64 player and I very rarely experience lag or anything on it with my fibre connection. Anyway enough of me talking, I won't go into all the details of whats in the video as I want to force you to watch it as it looks kick ass :). ENJOY! Henry
here is the lift area of the Carrier Exo Zombies Map in Call Of Duty Advanced Warfare Supremacy DLC. This part of the map houses one of the mini sharks to collect for the musical Easter Egg, as well as EXO RELOAD perk for your EXO suit and grants access to the MOON POOL area and the CARGO BAY area. There is a teleporter in this area which you may need to use on much higher levels if you have not sufficiently upgraded your guns to be as effective as they should be by that time. This is because of the tight and constricted space that is in this area and it can be a bit of a death trap if your not thinking ahead of an escape plan when things go sour as the zombies come piling in ten times the rate than you are putting down.
Lift Area Map Layout:
Thanks for reading guys as always and hope your enjoying the map. Henry
here is the Hangar area of the
Carrier map in Exo Zombies for Call Of Duty Advanced Warfare Supremacy DLC. This area houses part of the Easter Egg that is Captain DJ's locker
which needs his eyeball to use on the lockers retina scanner to open it
and reveal 1 of the 4 tablets that you need to collect and complete the
Easter Egg with.
There is also two of the tiny
mini sharks in this area that you need if you want to play the Easter
Egg Song which is "Gustav Holst - The Planets: Mars", but of course its
totally up to you, if you have seen Family Guy and watched Peter Griffin
beat up the giant chicken, you will have already heard it many times.
People always say "never heard of it" when you tell them what the tune
is but when they hear it they are like ahhhh right why didn't you say so
course I know that one! :) Its been used in many films and TV series
etc that you wouldn't believe it. The last shark is in the lift area on
top of the lift.
is also a corridor up top of the Power Switch which you can access once
you get the Exo Suit and creates a shortcut round to the GUN DECK area
which you can drop into. A lot of the time a treasure drone can be
trapped in between areas that you haven't opened so when you go to open
the MOON POOL door here, you may see a treasure drone straight behind
it, if ya do, leg it after it and kick its robotic ass to see what
goodies it has inside :).
Hi guys, well as you know every zombies map has a hidden song within it lurking about somewhere. It either consisted of activating teddy bears, finding whiskey bottles or some other strange objects to play a song, surely activating a CD player should do the same thing and play music, but everything in the zombies universe is turned totally on its head :0. Nothing is what it seems anymore. In Carrier Exo Zombies, we need to find 3 tiny sharksthat are lying around the place to activate in order to get the secret song, which is "Gustav Holst - Mars", to play for us. Lets get straight to it and tell you where these little beauties are hiding in order to get some calming, tense yet epic soundtrack playing through those speakers of your TV!
SHARK 1 Is on top of the elevator that is outside the cargo hold and just above where the sharks are kept in the tanks and being experimented on. I always wondered when first playing the level why you were allowed to go on top of here and thought you must activate the lift at some point but I didn't tell anyone as apparently I would have looked like an idiot as its nothing to do with the Easter Egg.
Jump up on top of these shark containers and go over to the far right and you will see it in the corner of the lift. Simply hold X to activate it and you will hear a sound when you do.
This is located in the hangar area where the locker room is, right above the dearly beloved Captain DJ's locker is located. The large shark in the moon pool ate this guy remember.....or at least one of his eyeballs so if he is walking around he may not see to well and bump into things now if hes turned into a zombie. Simply do the same again hold X to activate it and it will play a slightly longer tune to indicate you have activated it successfully.
Shark 3 The 3rd shark is actually in the hangar and you need the Exo Suit to double jump up above where the power switch is get into the area that takes you to the other side of the wall you can see through below over to the GUN DECK area. The shark is in one of the dark corners of that corridor and can be easily missed. Once you find this shark and click it the music shall commence, but feel free to activate them in any order you please :) whatever is easiest for you guys, do it!
Thanks for reading guys and if you cannot or do not wanna do this Easter Egg, simply check the tune out below right here in this video:
If you are unsure how to do the above steps for any reason or I have bored you to death, here is the video which you can follow to activate the song:
Hi guys this is the final part in the Carrier Easter Egg Walkthrough Guide. I hope you have enjoyed it and lets find out how this chapter of the nightmare ends below: Step 9
When you have killed some zombies on the blue grates and the blood has attracted the shark, which you can see swimming past underneath, run over to the control panel that lowers the shark cage dangling above the moon pool and activate it to drop it into the water. You will have to get into it and become shark bait temporarily because the eyeball that is required to open the locker you need access to is in the sharks mouth.
When you get into the cage equipped with the FISH you caught earlier, it will cause the shark to try and take a bite outta ya, and it gets its jaws stuck for a moment on the side of the cage. When this happens hit the X button and hold it in and you will pick up the beloved eyeball you need to finish the game with, and it appears you found out what finished off the owner of the eyeball too in the process, he was someones lunch.
When you get the eyeball, jump out of the cage and run like hell to DJ's locker and use the eyeball to unlock it. Inside is the last Tablet PC which again you take to the vault room and insert it in to hear the dialogue. Step 10 After you activate the last tablet PC in the vault, you need to go to the armory again. Go over to the Weapon Disposal machine and give the zombie arm another few more guns as he must have an itchy trigger finger and in return you will get a sweet package of everyones favorite explosive....C4!
When you get the C4 simply run back to the vault room on the UPPER GUN deck and hold X on it to activate the ending cut scene and BOOM! your done:). Hope you enjoyed this walkthrough guide and please share it with everyone who plays the game with you.
Here is the ending if you fancy a sneek peek and cannot wait any longer:
Thanks for reading until the next DLC my friends. Henry
Hi guys lets keep this party in full swing and continue on with part 3 of 4 of the Carrier Easter Egg Walkthrough Guide. This ones a pun intended on the Easter Egg joke :). Step 6 After you get the Second Keypad / Tablet PC, there are 4 in total, from that point on each time you kill one of the teleporting zombies, they will drop a small piece of something which you can pick up and it will be added to your inventory.
What these are used for is activating the teleporter in the Bio Lab that is seemingly non functional throughout the game. Maybe its just missing a few nuts and bolts here and there. It is the one beside the glass cells that house the specimens Atlas have been working on to the left of the power generator.
Each time you kill a teleporting zombie, take the piece to the teleporter and hold X on it. The teleporter will light up slightly, but not as bright as the others. You need to collect and insert into the teleporter around 20 of these pieces that you pick up from the teleporting zombies. Once that is done, it will become fully functional, however you shouldn't teleport just yet, as you need a shovel before you go, as your going to a deserted small island where you are going to dig for treasure when you get there. It will cost the usual 100 to use the teleporter.
Step 7 Last time I went fishing I caught a cold rather than a salmon, however in this map, you go back to the GUN DECK's upper level and go back to your fishing line. You will keep on fishing and fishing until you find the SHOVEL. You will find another part of the Easter Egg while fishing but you can always get another piece of it, which is a FISH, that is needed later on. For now focus on getting the shovel so you can get your bounty from the island you will be teleporting to.
Once you get the shovel make you way to paradise and go to the teleporter in the Bio Lab and initiate beam me up scotty mode. You will arrive on an island with gorgeous weather but deadly inhabitants that looks like this:
Look at the ground and keep pressing X or the use button to dig around the island. You need to keep digging until you find a wooden box but you must hurry as you only have a limited amount of time on the island before being teleported back to the ship. In this wooden box is the 3rd of 4 tablet PC's which can be inserted into the vault door like the others to hear more of the story from OZ. You may dig up other powerups like Max Ammo etc which can help you for when you return to the ship.
Step 8 This is pretty much near the end of the Easter Egg, what you need to do it go to Captain DJ's locker in the Hangar Area and hold X or the use button on it to play an audio clip stating that you need his eyeball in order to open this locker.
Once you hear the audio clip play, either in the next round, or one or two rounds after, you will see two treasure drones appear in the level. You need to kill the one that appears to have nothing inside it, the other will have a clearly visible powerup and one will not. Once it is destroyed it will drop a small level type tool that is to be used in the MOON POOL area just to the right of where the mini submersible is located.
It will ask you if you want to activate the cage and will cost 1000 credits to do so. Before you do this you should go back to the GUN DECK and get the fish that you dropped earlier in place of the shovel. If it is not there, keep fishing until you get another one. Come back to the MOON POOL area and start killing zombies on top of the blue grate areas around the central moon pool. You will notice the zombies blood dripping down into the water below which will eventually attract a shark that you will see swimming underneath. When you see it swim under the pool, you will activate the cage to drop down and jump into it to complete the Easter Egg, which is in the final part of this guide, PART 4.
Hi guys, Continuing the Easter Egg for Carrier Part 2 lets do it!
Step 4
In the previous steps we have got the grenade disposal machines dispenser to the side on which the Easter Egg is activated on, which is the far left for those who haven't paid attention or accidentally clicked on Part 2 of the guide first :).
Once the teleport grenade has been used to move the dispenser, it will not be needed again. All you need to do is use contact grenades, NO OTHER TYPE OF GRENADE IS NEEDED. You will notice just below the dispenser that the grenade icons are cycling through all the different types of grenades which are:
When you shoot a contact grenade into the moving hole at the top and it successfully enters the machine, whatever grenade type is displayed at that time under the dispenser, will be the grenade type that is dispensed into the machine and treacle down it.
Now to change each red light to a green light, each rows light will have a sequence of grenades you will have to dispense in a particular order into the machine in order for it to turn it green, as listed below: Grenade Type and Order for each of the rows of red lights:
If you look at
the dispenser, just underneath it will show what type of grenade is
required next. When you have lit up all 3 red lights to 3 green lights, the small slit in the wall to the right of the machine will dispense a tablet / Keypad which you can pickup.
When you pickup the keypad you go up to the VAULT door that is on the gun decks UPPER LEVEL which leads to the ARMORY UPPER FLOOR and insert it into the control panel to hear OZ speaking to you from perhaps beyond the grave? The Vault door is this door here with the keypad outside it. Go up to the keypad and insert the key to hear the dialogue:
Step 5 Next go back to the armory where the weapon disposal machine is with the freaky zombie arm hanging out of it and hold X or whatever your use item button is on the bottle that it dropped earlier on in the game as shown below:
You will get your sea legs when you do this because your not a big drinker and it makes you appear drunk. You will be stumbling all over the place so if you suffer from motion sickness I advise to grab a barf bag. Leave the armory area and go out the door that leads to the lab area. Make your way to the Cargo area door on top of the glass cells, and just to the right of the door, you will see a GREEN control panel:
Once you hit this button it will activate a 2 minute timer and a laser grid maze style game that you must navigate through without touching any of the lasers lines:
When doing the maze, as you are still drunk, it is quite difficult to move around so be careful not to touch the laser lines or you will have to start over again from the start by pressing the switch again to activate the laser grid. You can only EXO SLIDE and EXO JUMP when you are drunk like this, probably for the best better safe than sorry. You will eventually make your way through the LIFT area and MOON POOL area etc until you come to the HANGAR area which will have another keypad / tablet device for you at the end. The keypad is hard to see but it is right in front of the teleporter in the hangar on the floor simply hold X near it and you will pick it up. You will then again return to the vault door to input it into the computer system and you will hear OZ with some more dialogue for you. CLICK HERE TO CONTINUE THE EASTER EGG GUIDE PART 3