COD Zombified, the Call Of Duty Secrets and Maps blog that creates maps for each of the zombie level layouts, along with weapon locations, parts for blue print tables, locations of perks and hidden easter eggs. We have every zombies map from Nacht Der Untoten to Operation Deadbolt! Covers Black Ops Games right up to Call Of Duty Black Ops 6 The Tomb Maps. 100% unofficial
Yes the Mob of the Dead prison has started selling Weasel's hat, 100% cotton, 100% class and oozing street cool. You can have this hat for a tasty $0 bucks in the Mob of the Dead Section of the Revelations map. If you wanna look like you got swagger like Jagger, you will find it in an open cell, right where the Mob of the Dead section meets the trenches and open field area in Origins. If heading into Mob of the Dead from the Origins side, simply enter through the door and immediately on your right will be a cell with Weasel's hat sitting on the table. This must have been his cell. Simply hold the USE button on it to equip it and you will be the coolest zombie killer on the block. Everyone can equip it, get your wardrobe up to date and get everyone to wear one so you can see how it looks on your team mates.
His cell is basically in the middle of Mob Of The Dead just before you go down the stairs to the Cafeteria area.
Its just a little nod to the infamous Weasel, nice touch. You will notice your characters facial image will now be dawning the cool cap when equipped. No one knows what benefits as such the cap provides like the other helmets and masks within this level, but I think it is just purely Aesthetic to be honest. If your not entirely sure on my directions, check out TheGamingRevolution video here which shows it crystal clear:
Map Layout: Full Map Layout Easter Egg:Part 1--Part 2--Part 3--Part 4 Secrets:7 Helmet Guide -- Secret Melee Weapons-- Al's (Weasel) Hat -- Musical Easter Eggs:"The Gift"--Radio Compilation -- Hi guys, here are two map layouts for Revelations zombies which make for great quick reference I thought I would reference in this post. Rather than me going through this level with a fine tooth comb again, as someone has already created a quality map, I thought I would share it with you guys. I usually find it hard to get everything onto a single map, but these show the entire layout and the most important parts and key features of each area, making it easy to glance at quickly while playing in game, especially for multiplayer Xbox Live games where you cannot pause the game. This map show the overall layout of all of the Areas of Revelations, its so good I class it as the Google Earth of the zombie world this diagram:
Another good reference for this map offers an even more abstract view which is great and straight to the point....and makes good use of colours. It lists the areas where all of the Perk Machines, Apothicon Upgrades and Pack A Punch Rituals are located:
Another great way of finding your way around Revelations is to have someone lead you by the hand, which is what this great video walk through of the map does below. No need to be scared, as your not alone, as credit goes out to zlpriime- for this great video:
Thanks for reading as always guys, hope these help. Henry
Here we find out the locations of the Musical Teddy bears in Revelations Zombies for Call Of Duty Black Ops 3, in order to activate the awesome rock song entitled "The Gift". As soon as the song starts playing, connect to your surround sound bar, crank up the volume and let it belt out across the air waves until it is finished it is so good......that your neighbours won't even complain about the noise, they be too busy enjoying it!
Lets find out where this rock star teddy bear hangs out in the map and how we can get to listen to some musical perfection by finding him a total of 3 times in Revelations.
"Pull up a Chair" - Mob of the Dead / Origins Location
From the main spawn, if you head left and keep going as far as you can around the outer left wall of the map, you will come to the origins map section. Simply open the Door that has floating debris and head down underground in "Origins" and follow the lefy tunnel underneath until you come to the "Mob of the Dead" section.
You will find the teddy sitting on a stool looking slightly bewildered. beside a wooden wheelchair. Simply hold the USE button on the Teddy bear when you find him and a noise will play indicating you have successfully activated this location.
"The Search Continues" - Verruckt, Sitting on Wheel Chair
We can now head on through the "Mob of the Dead" area to the jump pad that leads to the "Verruckt" area. Simple head on past the first teddy bear, then go down the first set of steps heading down and into the CAFETERIA AREA. Hitch a ride to Verruckt on the Jump Pad from here.
When we arrive in Verruckt, a brief search by heading 90 degrees left and running across several corridors and crumbled walls, we come to the edge of this area and in this room, you will see the teddy bear on a wheel chair waiting to be given a hug. Its as if he met you in Mob of the Dead, then done a runner to the other area and got there before you did to mess with your head. If he is as fast as I suspect he is, he could give Mo Farah a run for his money ending up here so quick.
Again, simply hold the USE button on the Teddy bear when you find him and a noise will play indicating you have successfully activated this location.
"Teddy Of The Opera" - Kino Der Toten location
When we have the Verruckt Teddy, make your way through Verruckt to the jump pad that leads to the "Kino Der Toten" area. The teddy in this area is sitting in front of the main stage area, with the best seat in the house, the front row.
Simply do what you do best, go up to him and simply press the USE button and the song will play.
If your unsure about any of the steps in this guide, check out MrRoflWaffles video on Youtube here:
here are the time attack challenges details that you need in order to get the secret melee weapons that are in Revelation Zombies in Call Of Duty Black Ops 3. Each of the weapons are available at the top of the Shangri-La temple and materialise on the wooden weapons board for you to purchase if you wish. They range from a delightfully black Friday deal of only 100 credits up to 500, less than half price :).
Each of the weapons cost and does varying degrees of damage to rotting zombie flesh.
Complete 5 rounds in under 5 minutes
Costs 100 credits to purchase from weapons board
When you complete this task, you will see the above badge appear confirming that the Nunchucks are now available to purchase. Get your Ninja skills topped up and use zombies as a Nunchuck punch bag. Just make sure not to hit yourself round the back of your head and knock yourself out.....that would just be just embarrassing.
Here are the Nunchucks in action. When they start swinging, the bodies hit the floor from the first swing:
Skull Splitter
Complete 10 rounds in under 12 minutes
Costs 200 credits to purchase from weapons board
When you complete this task, you get the very sharp angular looking instrument of death. Its very good at caving zombie skulls into a fine paste. Just don't hold this when there is lightning around, as its all metal, you might regret it.
Sometimes when you hit the zombies on the head with it, it counts almost like a headshot as the head goes flying off like a pinball bouncing around when it hits the ground. This is one piece of weaponry you do not want to lose your head over. Be prepared for zombie blood vomit all over your best suit as each time you hit them, blood sprays everywhere as you can see:
Buzz Cut
Complete 15 rounds in under 19 minutes
Costs 300 credits to purchase from weapons board
This buzz cut is a "cut"....above the rest of the other weapons, excuse the bad pun there. It is probably not what your local hardware and tool supplier either in Walmart, B & Q, Homebase etc. would expect you to use a replacement buzz saw blade for. They probably thought thought you were building a shed, modifying doors or planks of wood....not scalping or decapitating undead zombies. Everything however I guess has multiple uses.
This is a very dangerous weapons and does a great deal of damage up to probably around 22+. It is as scary as it looks and just as deadly.
Complete 20 rounds in under 32 minutes
Costs 500 credits to purchase from weapons board
This weapon looks like a Gatekeepers Incisors have been yanked from his mouth without any anaesthetic, it must have hurt. Luckily for you though they are extremely good at crunching and munching up enemies....don't worry you wont be wearing these teeth like false teeth and eating the zombies to death, your going to use it in a stabbing motion to get tons of one hits kills up to around round 25 - 26. Great way to rack up lots of cash if your a bit strapped with fast instant kills. Watch the bank balance grow.
Here it is in action and all its glory:
If you are unsure of how to get any of these weapons, just watch ThePegiGames Video on Youtube Below:
here is your guide to getting all of the 7 secret helmets, masks and hats that exist in Revelation in Black Ops 3 Zombies. Each has its own pros and cons for choosing it giving you slight advantages / abilities over your enemies or other players who are not wearing a you will look so cool strutting around the map in one. Most are not difficult to get.
Lets see how to get each type of helmet!
1. Wolf Helmet
This helmet is not too difficult to get, we simply need to first head over to Der Eisendrache to the room which contains the 4 stones on the ground that turn off gravity in the room. Once gravity is turned off, you will have astonished many scientists, but also we are going to go to the location where you originally get the re-forged wolf arrow in the actual level Der Eisendrache. If you did not buy Der Eisendrache as DLC, do not worry, it is shown in the images below the location you need to head to.
Once you get there, you will see a hole up near the top of the ceiling. It looks like some dodgy cowboy builder couldn't be bothered to finish this beautiful medieval wall and done a runner half way through the build. When you locate this hole, throw a grenade up into it and when it explodes, a skull will drop down to the ground. This skull we are going to charge up with zombie souls, about 20 of them, before heading to pick up our lovely and warm, fluffy little wolf helmet.
To charge this skull, ZERO GRAVITY MUST BE TURNED ON. When it is off, the skull will fall to the floor and any zombie or enemy kills near it, will not cause the souls to go into the skull and charge it. When Zero G is ON, the skull will be hovering above the ground and accepting all the souls you can throw at it. The Wolf will howl when you have completed this part and you can head on over to the main stage at Kino Der Toten to pick up the Wolf Helmet.
The Wolf Helmet increases your characters stamina meaning he can run / sprint for much longer that normal. Not the greatest helmet in the world but you do look bad ass wearing it. Other players will agree trust me. You will see the message "Sprint Duration Increased" when you pick it up.
2. Viking Helmet
This start of again in Der Eisendrache, popular destination, and you want to head over to the portal that takes you to Nacht Der Untoten and spin around looking back toward Der Eisendrache and lookup. See the broken clock sitting on top of the wall? Good, cause you need to shoot 3 numbers in this sequence on the clock face, 9,3 5 which are the symbols IX, III and V on the clock. This as you may have guessed, relates to Group 935.
Now once we have shot the clock, we need to go around the map and start to fill up the lightning urns located in different sections of the map. These urns are charged by zombie souls, but only if they have been killed by a headshot.
The 4 locations of these urns are:
Der Eisendrache - Near Pack A Punch Location, on set of shelves.
Kino Der Toten - located on shelf in the spotlight room with Widows Wine Perk Machine
Verruckt - in the kitchen area on the stove
Origins - near generator number 3
Each time you complete filling an urn, you will hear an audio quote being spoken, confirming that this one has been completed. Again once all 4 have been completed, head over to the costume department in Kino Der Toten up to the main stage and the Viking helmet will have appeared on one of the mannequins.
All the Viking Helmet does is gives you "+1 hit from zombies" meaning you can take another hit from a zombie before going down. For example without it and without Juggernaut, you could take 2-3 hits before you can go down, now you can take 3-4 hits before going down, simples, but could be very effective in tight spaces where you can't avoid being hit by a zombie when escaping. That last touch can make all the difference.
3. Shadow Mans Mask
This mask gives a combination of characteristics from the other masks as well as adding some of its own. It gives:
"+1 Hit from all Enemies" (like the Viking Helmet)
"Sprint Duration Increased" (like the Wolf Mask)
"Player Does 50% more damage to all enemies"
"33% Damage reduction from all enemies"
This is definitely one of the best helmets money can buy in the zombie universe. To get it we first need to head over to the Giant Apothicon, and head down to the Pack A Punch area. You will notice that there is an area of green liquid on the ground. Stand in this area and wait for green smoke to fill the area, this is when tons of enemies will spawn and is the only time when you kill each one it will count towards the amount of enemies you need to kill in order to unlock the Shadow Mans Helmet.
The images show when the smoke is active and when to start killing things as well as a list of the amount of each enemy you need to kill from ToProForuGames Youtube Channel Video on the subject. No idea what the green gas is it could be the giant Apthicons breath, one of its burps or decide which one you would rather be inhaling.
Once its finished you will hear a strange sound and you can again go to the theatre in Kino Der Toten and seach the stage area to find the Shadow Man mask to equip, you will not be disappointed with it.
4. Fury Helmet
A very easy helmet to get as all you need to do is kill the fury zombies around the map. The only catch is you cannot kill the Fury Zombies with any of the levels wonder weapons or the Ragnarok's it appears. People say these get to high rounds using regular weapons and not wonder weapons and the helmet will spawn no problem. However using wonder weapons constantly to kill the Furies seems to make the helmet not spawn at all.
When you have killed enough Furies with conventional weapons, around 50, a sound clip will play, indicating the helmet is ready to pick up in the theatre of Kino Der Toten.
5. Keeper Helmet
This helmet requires you already have the Wolf Helmet in order to get it. The we need to go around the map and collect all 3 parts to the KEEPER PROTECTOR.
The parts locations are in:
Kino Der Toten
You then take these pieces to one of the spawn locations for the keeper protector, get the hammer and nails out and craft it. Doing this means you can summon a keeper to appear and kick some zombie ass while you put your feet up....sort will still be attacked. Just don't let that zombie eat the last ever bourbon or rich tea biscuit in existence or I will lose my mind!
Basically you just need to get 30 zombie kills with the Keeper to get the mask. When you know its successfully completed, the audio cue will play and you can head to the theatre to pick up your reward.
6. Crusader Helmet
This helmet is pretty easy to get as well. For the first step you simply have to get 30 kills with traps on the map whether it be the electric trap or the flogger, its up to you.
Once that parts out of the road, the second part has to do with the zombie everyone needs a change of underwear guessed it....the PANZER! All you need to do on a single PANZER is remove the face mask of him by shooting it and you will see it break and spark open, then shooting his chest plate to blow it open, then shooting his power core to kill the bugger.
Again once you have done this, head over to Kino Der Toten and pick up your spoils of war, the Crusader Mask.
7. Margwa Helmet
This helmet is a bit confusing to everyone on forums, facebook and anyone on planet earth who plays the game as to what exactly you need to do to get it. We know you need to headshot elemental Margwa's and kill them with a single head shot to each of their heads, so 3 shots to kill each Margwa stone cold and is accomplished with an upgraded sniper rifle and the double tap perk equipped. You only need to kill 2 Margwa's in this way.
If there is an order to killing the elemental Margwa's such as a yellow one followed by a red one, we do not know. What does seem to work nearly everytime is killing a RED Margwa followed by a PURPLE Margwa. It is not always the case but seems the most common way of doing it.
As each Margwa is killed, if you have started with the correct colour, you will hear an activation sound. If you have done it correctly after the second one is know the drill, head over to Kino Der Toten and pick up your mask.
Having Trouble Figuring out the Helmets? Watch ToProForuGames guide here: