Thursday 28 October 2021

Forsaken Easter Egg guide - Full Walkthrough for Call Of Duty Black Ops Zombies


Map Layouts: -- Staging Area -- Checkpoint Area -- Main Street / Main Street Bridge / Storage Zones 5 & 10 -- Anytown West / Video Store / Cinema / TV Store -- Anytown East / Rooftops / Bar / Burger Town / Fuel Processing -- Bunker / Particle Accelerator / Office / Boardroom / Observation Tower --

Easter Egg Guide: -- Part 1 -- Part 2 -- Part 3 --

Secrets: -- Building the Chrysalax Wonder Weapon -- Free Ray Gun -- Pistol Sharpshooter Easter Egg -- Sniper Rifle Sharpshooter Easter Egg -- SMG Sharpshooter Easter Egg -- Fixing The Teleporter -- All Arcade Machines Locations / Free Arcade Token -- Bubby / Aethereum Bunny /Samantha's Ballad --

Hey guys,

here is the the full Easter Egg Guide Walkthrough within the Call Of Duty Cold War Zombies map Forsaken.  This will be a journey to the centre of the Town Square in this map.....not the will be fraught with danger at every turn, zombies to the left, zombies to the right and a huge ugly Forsaken creature at the end to say good bye to this storyline in zombies....awww how nice of him.

Lets get straight into it as we have a lot of work to do as usual to get to the end of this map. This is another one of the more easier Easter eggs I have become accustomed to finally completing in most of the Black Ops Cold War zombies maps, so feels good when have ticked another one off the list as some of the previous ones where nearly impossible to complete on solo.

Hopefully this guide will also help you get to the end and be we go!

Lets start from the beginning....again

You may already know this from playing it the past few weeks, but for new players, when you spawn into the Forsaken map you will notice at the start, the rounds will automatically start to increase without you even touching a hair on a zombies head. This is totally normal and it is not the game glitching or someone has hacked your game so don't freak out.

All  you need to do is run to the Teleporter that is marked as a way point on your screen and map and activate it in the Staging Area. This will start a 30 second timer which will start to warm the coils of the teleporter up and all you have to do is survive until the teleporter has become active and created a portal.

If you do this quick enough, you will essentially be starting the map really from as low as round 3. I put my running shoes on and tried various trainers, but cannot get to the teleporter any quicker or get the rounds to stop increasing any less than round 3....try to beat the record and succeed....I will eat my hat.....first will need to buy a hat first though.

When the Teleporter is active and the timer has counted down to zero, take the teleporter journey to the other side, which will spit you out at the Checkpoint Area.

Checkpoint....or is it checkmate? No it's definitely checkpoint...sorry

When your atoms and molecules are reassembled coming through the teleporter from the Staging Area, we make our way through the Checkpoint area and go to the upper floor of the Checkpoint and rappel down the zipline into the Main Street area, where you then open all the doors to get to the Main Street Bridge Teleporter.

You can see this sky bridge linking each side of the street, via the rooftops, if you look up when looking down Main street and you can see the teleporter sitting in the middle of it. This teleporter will also be highlighted with a waypoint marker in case you lose your bearings at any point.

This teleporter can be accessed from either side either Storage Zone Rooftops 10 or Storage Zone Rooftops 5....whatever of those two is your lucky number. Travel through the teleporter and you will arrive at Anytown West Area on top of the Video Store Rooftop.....hope your not afraid of heights?

Now we have arrived at this location, this is all "part" of the Easter Egg, as we will now need to find in this area, 4 parts to help repair the broken Teleporter that is located in the Fuel Processing Area.

Local Teleporter Engineer Repair Guy

In Anytown West, we need to find the following 4 parts in order to repair the teleporter in Fuel Processing that is looking a little worse for wear, these 4 parts we need and are essential to any high tech teleportation device are:

  • Circuit Board - 3 Spawn Locations
All 3 Spawn locations for this part are in the Video Store 1F area in the small store room just off the main shop floor. These locations are marked on the map below and are underneath the stairs leading up to the Video Store 2f, on the shelves beside the stairs leading up to the second floor and lastly on top of the boxes facing the stairs to the second floor:

  • Focusing Lens - 3 Spawn Locations
This part spawns in 3 places in the Cinema area. It is in the hands of one of the mannequins when entering the Cinema from the Anytown West door, in the corner facing the mannequins in the lobby and in the glass display case on the counter:

  • Cathode Ray Tube - 3 Spawn Locations
Next we head over to the TV Store and this part can be found on the shelves to the right of the wall gun buy in between 2 TV's, it can also spawn on the small set of metal shelves in the corner to the left of the counter and one the set of shelves behind the counter with the TV's set upon them:

  • Fryer Cage - 3 Spawn Locations
Next, if your feeling hungry, you then need to head over to the Burger Town area to retrieve this last part....and grab yourself a tasty cheeseburger, it would be rude not to. The first spawn location is underneath the American flag located to the left of the window you can hop out of, the next location is to the left of the Cola machine behind the counter and lastly it is located on the counter itself in the glass food display case:

Now we have all the parts needed to repair the teleporter, head on over to the Fuel Processing area and hold the USE button on the teleporter in order to repair it. 

You will see a building progress bar slide up as you do. Once completed repairs, simply dive into this portal which will spit you out at the Bunker Entrance area.

Think I'm going to stay and hunker in this bunker
Now your at the Bunker, make your way through the Bunker Entrance and down the Hallway areas to the door that leads to the Amplifier area and open it. 

Then run down the very long Amplifier area to the very end, where you will find another portal, with a not so welcoming Abomination party at the end that will spawn as you approach the teleporter in this area. This three headed....guess can only really call it an abomination....will try to bite you and jump at you and shoot stuff out of its mouth and you, but it can be easily killed by shooting the weak spots on it which glow a purply blue colour at times on its several mouths.

Once you kill it, go through the teleporter and it will take you to the Observation Tower area.

Towering over my observations
Now we have arrived at the Observation Tower area, we need to lift the lockdown as quick as we can, as if we stay in the tower too long, we start to lose health due to the radiation floating around in this area. 

Simply make your way by following the waypoint on the screen that will lead you to a central control console with a button on it you must push in order to lift the lock down. Lifting lock down will also activate Pack A Punch located just in front of the lockdown button.

Head round to the other teleporter in this area which leads to the Amplifier area, and on the window with the 45 degree angle on the map, in the corner, there is a red button located to the right of this window that you need to press. This will activate a cut scene you need to watch and when it is finished, it will spawn you back again in the map.

Still not sure how to do it? Check out MrRoflWaffles video here:

Thanks for reading as always guys.


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