Map Layouts: -- Staging Area -- Checkpoint Area -- Main Street / Main Street Bridge / Storage Zones 5 & 10 -- Anytown West / Video Store / Cinema / TV Store -- Anytown East / Rooftops / Bar / Burger Town / Fuel Processing -- Bunker / Particle Accelerator / Office / Boardroom / Observation Tower --
Easter Egg Guide: -- Part 1 -- Part 2 -- Part 3 --
Secrets: -- Building the Chrysalax Wonder Weapon -- Free Ray Gun -- Pistol Sharpshooter Easter Egg -- Sniper Rifle Sharpshooter Easter Egg -- SMG Sharpshooter Easter Egg -- Fixing The Teleporter -- All Arcade Machines Locations / Free Arcade Token -- Bubby / Aethereum Bunny /Samantha's Ballad --
Hey guys,
here is how to get a Free Ray Gun within the Call Of Duty Cold War Zombies map Forsaken. Everyone needs a ray gun when your world has become infested with zombie undead souls. The sheer power the ray gun delivers in its normal un-upgraded form is immense and blows zombies away like a feather in the wind.
Of course the upgraded versions via the Pack A Punch machine make it a formidable weapon even into the sky high rounds and beyond. Who says there is no thing as a free lunch? Not that you want to eat the ray gun for lunch, as I am almost sure its radioactive some parts of it, but there is such a thing as a free ray gun.
- You won't get the ray gun every single time as sometimes you may get other epic pickups, but the ray gun is one of those pickups and can be quite common when doing this Easter egg.
- If you fail any of the pizza deliveries in this task, you won't be able to do it again this play through. You will need to start a new game in order to try it again....once in a game time opportunity I'm afraid.
Lets find out how to get this cool cosmic weapon of destruction...I hope you like pizza.
Step 1 - Aether is shrouded in mystery
Before the game loads and it lets you choose your loadout, make sure to choose one that has the Aether Shroud Field Upgrade attached to it. Not only this, you will need to make sure it has been upgraded to allow you the TELEPORT ABILITY on your Aether Shroud.
To get this upgrade, spend your Aether crystals in the skill trees in the menus for loadouts and items in order to upgrade the Aether Shroud. Once we have done this, spawn into the game and head through the areas until you get to the Main Street area.
Then when Main Street, open the door to the left hand side of the street that is the side entrance to the BEACH PIZZA building at a cost of 750 credits. This will have Stamin-up Perk Machine in it. Now you are in the best takeaway pizza place in town, you need to start charging up your Aether Shroud ability by killing zombies.
Get special kills that earn you more points such as melee kills, headshots etc and pickup any double points that may be offered up by vanquished zombies. When your Aether Shroud ability has charged up, go to the wooden door that is located to the left of the Beach Pizza counter and use the teleport ability.
You will be teleported inside the room located behind the counter area, where you will find Ronald Raygun dancing his undead socks off to some amazing tunes. When your Aether Shroud wears off, you can simply exit the room by opening the wooden door you teleported through.
In this room however, you will find 4 pizza boxes stacked on top of each other beside Ronald Raygun. He must be the owner of this joint and will have a job for you in the next step.
Pizza delivery better be on time or its free.....urban myth!
Now we have found Ronald Raygun, we actually need to deliver these 4 pizzas he has so deliciously prepared for our customers in different locations around the map.
You can deliver these in any order and when you go to the pizzas/Ronald Raygun location and hold the use button, you will pick up one of these pizzas and a timer will start on the left hand side. It will tell you where it wants the pizza delivered to as well.
Pizza Delivery Location 1 - Cinema
When entering the Cinema from the Anytown West entrance, simply look left in the lobby and you will see a couple sitting together with an empty pizza box beside them in the lobby. We all know empty pizza box equals empty stomach.
Deliver a pizza here within the allotted time during one of the deliveries and your timer for deliveries will stop. Then head back to Ronald Raygun and hold the use button on him, not the stack of pizzas, to collect your reward, which can be random things such as points, epic salvage, weapons, max ammo, armour etc.
Pizza Delivery Location 2 - Video Store 1F
Once you have claimed your reward from pizza delivery 1, pickup another pizza box and head back to Anytown West.
Head into the Video Store 1F and when when entering the Video Store1F from the Anytown West entrance, simply look to the right hand corner on the shop floor where all the videos are on the wall to the right and there will be another hungry movie goer in the corner of the store, a mannequin wearing a white suit that very shortly, will be covered in pizza sauce stains.
Once delivered, go back to Ronald Raygun, claim the reward and pick up another pizza.
Pizza Delivery Location 3 - Burger Town
Once you have claimed your reward from pizza delivery 2, pickup another pizza box and head back to Anytown East.
This next delivery location I am not sure is 100% legal as two mannequins have ordered a pizza deliver to Burger Town as they sit to the right hand side of the counter at a table, looking very guilty indeed.....I mean even in a zombie infested waste it still ethical to do that? Order another restaurants food to another restaurant? I'll get the lawyers to look into it but I am sure that would be considered a bit rude, Burger Town's burgers are not that bad trust me.
Simply deliver the pizza and repeat the process to go and get the last pizza from Ronald Raygun and collect your reward.
Pizza Delivery Location 4 - Bar 1F
Once you have claimed your reward from pizza delivery 3, pickup another pizza box and head back to Anytown East and head for a quick tipple at the Bar on the first floor. You will notice to the right hand side of the bar there are 2 mannequins having a conversation in the corner and want their pizza box locked, stocked, sliced and diced....pronto.
Simply deliver the pizza in time, head back to Raygun Ronald and cross your fingers that the ray gun is on your Christmas list, then claim your reward from him to see what he dishes up.
Hopefully it is the ray gun he promised you as payment for the pizza delivery, or he may have backstabbed you and given you something not quite as exciting. If he does back stab you, simply put him down instantly as you can now kill him.
Still not sure how to do it? Then check out MrRoflWaffles video below:
Thanks for reading as always guys
The parody of the 40th president of the United States Ronald Reagan.