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Secrets: Free Cryo Freeze Ammo Mod & Pack A Punch Crystal -- Free Aether Tool -- Free Random Perk -- Regenerative Armour Gold Vest -- Free Self Revive & Light Mend Ammo Mod -- Free Brain Rot Ammo Mod -- Free 1000 Points, Nuke, Insta-Kill, Max Ammo, Double Points, Max Armour, Fire sale Powerups -- Secret Intel Easter Egg / Green Skeleton Zombies -- Jump Scare -- Musical Easter Egg --
Easter Egg Guide: Part 1 -- Part 2 --
Now that we have the UPGRADED ICE STAFF, we can then progress onto the next part of the Easter egg. Equip the ICE STAFF and then press the button to change the staff around 180 degrees, where it then becomes the SEKHEMET'S VIGOR with a green crystal on the end. This is the REVIVE ABILITY of the staff.
We now need to use the GREEN END of the ice staff on the STATUES within the DARK AETHER NEXUS area of the map, of which there are 4 of. When we use this special ability on a statue, it will make the statue glow with a flame and allow us to pick up the different coloured CRYSTALS that each one is holding.
These statues are located at the top of the hill and are of:
- Vermin Statue
- Parasite Statue
- Doppelghast Statue
- Amalgum Statue
Vermin Statue Locations
First statue we will deal with is the VERMIN statue. In the dark AETHER go to the following location shown below and shoot the GREEN END of your ICE STAFF on this statue. It will then start to glow a blue / purple flame and allow you to pick up the crystal it is holding.
We then need to head over to the DIG SITE area and here you will find another VERMIN STATUE. It will have a PURPLE GLOW emanating from it. Simply go over to it and interact with it to place this CRYSTAL down onto the statue.
When you place this crystal down into the vermin statue, it will trigger a mini lockdown where tonnes of VERMIN will spawn from the ground and every nook and cranny you can see. It is quite a lot of vermin and they will show you no mercy, but using the ice staff to make short work of these large vermin hordes if you train them into a nice bunch and use the ice staffs charged shots to take them out.
High explosives also seems to work quite well when they are in large groups.
you must stay within the PURPLE CIRCLE that is floating around the area is your boundary where you cannot leave until the lock down is completed and all vermin are killed.
Once the lockdown is completed, you will be able to pick up the PURPLE CRYSTAL again form the VERMIN STATUE, and you will have to make your way back to the DARK AETHER NEXUS to return the crystal to the other VERMIN STATUE from which it originated from.
The only problem here is only one of the TELEPORTERS to the DARK AETHER NEXUS area will be open and you will have to look around each of the areas and find which one you can enter by.
You will notice when walking around that a new health bar has appeared on the left hand side of the screen called AMULET ENERGY. You need to avoid this going to zero, by dodging getting hit from any zombies, as if it does fall to zero, you will have to repeat the steps all over again from the start.

Delivery it back to the VERMIN STATUE in the DARK AETHER NEXUS and it will give off an amazing white flash that will burn your eyes and then it will be the first of 4 trials that have been completed.
Parasite Statue
Now the next statue is just across from the VERMIN STATUE and if you stand in the middle of the hill top and look towards the GREEN TELEPORTER, you will notice the rocks to the left there is another statue which has a figure of the PARASITE on it.
We will then do the same thing as before with the ICE STAFF, twist it around 180 degrees to the use REVIVE function on it called SEKHEMET'S VIGOR and shoot the statue which will then reveal another PURPLE CRYSTAL which you will pick up and take with you.
You will then want to head over to the SHRINE OF THE HIEROPHANTS and place the PURPLE CRYSTAL on the PARASITE STATUE in order to activate a sequence called "REFINE ENERGY". You will notice when this sequence starts that there is a timer on the left hand side of the page.
What you need to do here is start taking out zombies that come into the area, as well as lots of parasites, and some when they die will drop a PURPLE ORB that you will need to pick up and then deliver to the statue in the middle of this area that is spewing out PURPLE WHISPS into the air.
You need to get as many as is needed before the timer rounds out into the statue. When you have done it successfully, there will be a white screen flash again and then you can pick up the crystal from the PARASITE STATUE again.
This will again trigger on the left hand side of the screen the AMULET ENERGY and you will need to find a TELEPORTER on the map that is open, there will only be one when carrying the AMULET ENERGY back to the DARK AETHER NEXUS to put back into the other PARASITE STATUE in that area.
Once you get back, place the crystal back into the statue and we can move onto the third statues trial.
Doppelghast Statue
The third trial we will try and master is the DOPPELGHAST STATUE trial which is located just on the hill top next to the PACK A PUNCH MACHINE in the top left of the hill top area.
Repeat the same process as all other statues and shoot it with the GREEN CRYSTAL end of the ICE STAFF, pick up the PURPLE CRYSTAL from it and go over to the OSSUARY area.
Here in the middle of the room you will see the DOPPELGHAST STATUE in the middle of where the SPEED COLA PERK MACHINE is located.
Set the CRYSTAL on the DOPPELGHAST STATUE and it will activate another mini lockdown, where the area you must stay in is marked with a PURPLE CIRCLE again.
All you have to do is just kill the DOPPELGHASTS all that appear within the time limit set to the left hand side of the screen. Their energy will then go into the statue automatically.
Then same as all other times, pick up the CRYSTAL again and head back to the DARK AETHER NEXUS through whichever one of the teleporters is the only one open at present, being careful not to get damaged as you have your AMULET ENERGY health now appearing on the left hand side again, so be careful.
Return the CRYSTAL to the DOPPELGHAST STATUE and we can go to the final statues trial.
Amalgum Statue
Last but not least we have the AMALGUM STATUE that is located just up against the large rock where the JUGGERNOG PERK MACHINE is located, just behind the ICE STAFF UPGRADE MACHINE / ROCKS.
As always, turn the staff around to the green crystal, shoot the AMALGUM STATUE and then pick up the PURPLE CRYSTAL. Once you do this, you will now want to make your way over to the DEEP EXCAVATION area.
You will then need to place the crystal on the AMALGUM STATUE, which will then spawn a time on the left hand side of the side of the screen again. For this challenge, you will need to kill an ELITE AMALGUM called "YARLOPA" that will spawn into the area, within the time limit.
The only different with this AMALGUM is he has some support from a HEAVY ZOMBIE nearby that will periodically fire a BUBBLE SHIELD around the AMALGUM after he take so much damage, making him totally immune to damage while the shield is around him.
When this happens simply take out the HEAVY ZOMBIE first that is supporting him and then the shield will be released allowing more damage to be dealt on him.
Simply kill the ELITE AMALGUM, take the CRYSTAL from the AMALGUM statue and head back towards the only functioning TELEPORTER you can find and return the crystal back to the AMALGUM STATUE in the DARK AETHER area without getting hit as you will have the AMULET ENERGY appearing again on the left hand side of the screen.
That is not all 4 trials completed.
The Head Honcho
Now its it time to get geared up for the FINAL BOSS FIGHT. Before going into the area, from which there is no return from, unless you 100% win and destroy the boss, you will want yo get everything PACK A PUNCHED to the max all your weapons, weapons upgraded to the highest RARITY and get every GOBBLEGUM you can lay your hands on as well as having the best ARMOUR too.
When ready to engage the boss, simply go up to the PEDESTAL in the DARK AETHER that is looking across a chasm towards the ARTIFACT that is flowing light blue in the distance.
When you interact with the PEDESTAL, it will form a bridge of rocks that will allow you to cross over into this area.
You will then see on a PLINTH in the middle of the new area with the SENTINEL ARTIFACT, when ready go up to it and interact with it to trigger the final boss battle.
The only thing with this boss battle is.....there is no boss.....well there is and there isn't. The boss is actually the ARTIFACT itself!
Once you activate the boss fight, the SENTINEL will spawn in the middle of the arena glowing red, probably because you made it angry, and start shooting out laser beams in a circular rotating pattern.
When it does this, it will sweep around the bottom floor, then around the top floor and back to the bottom floor again.
All you have to do is keep killing zombies and taking cover between the pillars upstairs and downstairs in order to avoid the laser beams of almost certain doom!
After a short while, it will then stop firing lasers and rise above the centre pedestal and start glowing blue. At this point, you will have a sort amount of time ot inflct damage onto it before it goes ring a ring a rosies again.
If you deal enough damage to the ARTIFACT during the time it is vulnerable, it will split into 2 RED ARTIFACTS and then start to spin again, this time with 2 laser beams shooting out in 2 different directions. If not, it will continue spinning again and you will need to wait for it to stop and turn blue again to deal further damage to it.
AETHER SHROUD is highly recommended to be equipped in the boss fight as it means you can deal lots of damage to the artifact when the chance arises, without worrying about zombies attacking you.
Once the first stage is completed and the ARTIFACT splits into two is marked as the first stage, it will reward you with a MAX AMMO as a reward....always greatly appreciated I say.
In stage 2 both laser beams will be circling around like crazy and shooting at you while on the above and below levels in this area so be careful, as the laser beams narrows down the spaces between when they swing round so be sure to take cover.
Here we will repeat the same thing as before, dodge the lasers and kill zombies until the 2 ARTIFACTS turn blue, then run up to them and shoot them as much as you can until both are destroyed.
As you destroy each of the ARTIFACTS, you guessed it, they will both split into 2 again each one, meaning the next stage has 4 ARTIFACTS to contend with! Meaning 4 laser beams! Once completed the second stage, you will be rewarded with another MAX AMMO POWERUP.
Repeat the dodging process again for this third stage and kill zombies until the ARTIFCATS turn blue, then focus on shooting only 1 of the 4 ARTIFACTS until it blow up.
This will then make that ARTIFACT GLOW RED and return to the centre of the plinth it originated from and no more damage can be dealt to the other 3 BLUE ARTIFACTS still in the air. Shooting them will flag up the IMMUNE hit marker on them.
The RED ARTIFACT in the centre plinth will now spawn in some DOPPELGHASTS and AMALGUM zombies to try and take you out with a vengeance. It will also spawn in a SPECIAL ZOMBIE which has a RED SENTINEL ARTIFACT attached to its body.
Take down this SPECIAL ZOMBIE which is armoured and it will drop the ARTIFACT when dead. Then you need to shoot the ARTIFACT itself and it will deal damage to its health bar.
You need to shoot the ARTIFACT and deal as much damage as you can until it explodes and splits into 1 blue and 1 red artifact.
If you do not do it in time, the artifact will go back into the centre again and will have to redo it all over again with it spawning more DOPPELGHASTS and AMALGUMS into the map with another zombie having the artifact attached to them and will need taken down once more.
Just remember while all this is going on, those lasers will be spinning like crazy the whole time you are taking down the SENTINEL ZOMBIES so watch your back and stay behind cover, normally on the ground floor is the best area to stay for cover.
Now if everything has been done correctly, the red artifact will go back into the centre again, then it will fire out more red artifacts which will turn into DOPPELGHASTS and AMALGUMS that can have the artefact attached to them. These more powerful zombies also have a one hit wonder attack, so stay as far away from them at all times as you can while inflicting damage from afar each time.
Once we take down the zombie carrying the ARTIFACT, we need to do as much damage to it in the way we done with the other zombie that dropped the ARTIFACT. Shoot it non stop until it explodes and it will then go back into the centre again.
Remember if we don't take out the DOPPELGHAST zombie carrying the ARTIFACT we will need to repeat this stage over again.
The next stage will make the SENTINEL ARTIFACT that is red in the middle, it will spawn in an ELITE ELECTRIFIED MIMIC called KURONTHA who you need to kill in a set period of time or you will also need to repeat this stage again if you have not taken out the SENTINEL ZOMBIE in time.
Simply shoot the ELECTRIFIED MIMIC again until it dies, shoot the ARTIFACT it drops until it is destroyed again, splits into two and moves back into the middle again.
Now this next stage will have all ELITE ZOMBIES from the previous rounds coming for you and will include DOPPELGHASTS, AMALGUMS, ELECTRIC MIMICS who have around 3 BLUE ARTIFACTS on them and 1 will have a RED ARTIFACT on it.
This is a bit tough when they all come at you at once, so having a MUTANT INJECTION is the easiest way to take them all out without going down.
When they are destroyed, shoot the ARTIFACT again until it goes into the middle once more.
This will then make all of the BLUE SENTINEL ARTIFACTS line up in the centre of the area, who will then start firing all their energy towards markings up on the second floor of the rocks with patterns on them.
All we have to do is shoot the centre of where all the blue beams are focusing within a short period of time, and destroy the last remnants of this boss.
Once destroyed, simply go to the plinth in the middle of the area and interact with the AMULET again and it will place the ARTIFACT into the AMULET and it will play the ending cut scene for you.
Thanks for reading as always guys.
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