Sunday, 2 February 2025

The Tomb Free Pack A Punch Crystal and Cryo Freeze Ammo Mod - Call of Duty Black Ops 6 Zombies

Map Layouts: All Areas Map Layout

Secrets: Free Cryo Freeze Ammo Mod & Pack A Punch Crystal -- Free Aether Tool -- Free Random Perk -- Regenerative Armour Gold Vest -- Free Self Revive & Light Mend Ammo Mod -- Free Brain Rot Ammo Mod -- Free 1000 Points, Nuke, Insta-Kill, Max Ammo, Double Points, Max Armour, Fire sale Powerups -- Secret Intel Easter Egg / Green Skeleton Zombies -- Jump Scare -- Musical Easter Egg --

Easter Egg Guide: Part 1 -- Part 2 --

Hi guys,

How would you like to find out how to get a FREE Pack A Punch Crystal and a FREE....notice I am emphasising free each time......Cryo Freeze Ammo Mod in the newest zombies map The Tomb in Black Ops 6 zombies.

It is very easy to do and should be done on every play through of the map to get a free Pack A Punch Crystal which will save you a small fortune on upgrades for your weapons.

If you are suited and booted, ready to go, lets find out how to do this.

For a rock....if flew pretty good

First up we need to enter the DARK AETHER NEXUS. To do this we need to get to the SUBTERRANEAN TEMPLE area and place the AMULET on the plinth marked by the orange objective marker as soon as we spawn into the game saying we need to "OPEN THE DOOR TO NOWHERE". Don't get confused, nowhere is somewhere, just not anywhere.....I am aware of, as it seems to exist in another dimension on this map.

Simply place the amulet you are already in possession of from the very start of this map onto it and it will fire a beam into the stone wall and light it up like a Christmas tree, revealing the portal to the DARK AETHER NEXUS. 

Enter it it then head up to the central part of this area and you will see an ancient looking machine on the hilltop with a hole in it you can look through across a void, to see something glowing in the distance.

Then find the 2 PILLARS near this machine and look up until you see some rocks floating near the left hand side pillar. Start shooting these rocks until one of them gives off a burst of purple energy and starts to move.

When this happens, keep scanning the sky in the dark aether until you see more rocks moving through the sky at various speeds. Some high speed, some slow. All you have to do is shoot all 4 rocks in quick succession, within a certain period of time. Each time you are successful at destroying or stopping one of the moving rocks, it will give off the PURPLE ENERGY PULSE.

Don't worry if your not quick enough to shoot all 4 of these in time, if you wait a little bit of time, you will notice the rocks will start to move around the sky again giving you the opportunity to try again until successful.

Once successfully shooting all 4 rocks, the Pack A Punch Crystal "RAW AETHERIUM CRYSTAL" and the Cryo Freeze Ammo Mod will appear on the hilltop on the ground within the DARK AETHER NEXUS. Pick these up and use at your leisure.

One good use of the CRYO FREEZE AMMO MOD when picked up directly in this area, is that there are 2 waterfalls that need frozen in the DARK AETHER NEXUS and relate to getting a free RARE, LEGENDARY or EPIUC AETHER TOOL, depending on what round you attempt to get it on. I will do this on a separate post however.

Thanks for reading as always guys.


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