Sunday, 2 February 2025

The Tomb Jump Scare - Call of Duty Black Ops 6 Zombies

Map Layouts: All Areas Map Layout

Secrets: Free Cryo Freeze Ammo Mod & Pack A Punch Crystal -- Free Aether Tool -- Free Random Perk -- Regenerative Armour Gold Vest -- Free Self Revive & Light Mend Ammo Mod -- Free Brain Rot Ammo Mod -- Free 1000 Points, Nuke, Insta-Kill, Max Ammo, Double Points, Max Armour, Fire sale Powerups -- Secret Intel Easter Egg / Green Skeleton Zombies -- Jump Scare -- Musical Easter Egg --

Easter Egg Guide: Part 1 -- Part 2 --

Hey guys,

here is how to initiate a jump scare within The Tomb zombies map in Call Of Duty Black Ops 6 and scare all of your team mates at the same time.....possibly giving them nightmares.

Basically in order to initiate this jump scare within the level, we will need to find 3 statues that we will need to stare at for a few seconds. When we stare at them for a while, they will turn around 180 degrees and stare at us. Then as we continue to stare, their eyes will eventually turn red and they will start whispering to us.....just before taking a deep breath to......scream down the camera at us!

Here is the 3 locations of the statues around the map:

The first statue is in the DEEP EXCAVATION area of the map, on top of where the QUICK REVIVE PERK MACHINE is housed in the small cave.

The second statue for the jump scare is located just out the window of where the MYSTERY BOX is located in the NEOLITHIC CATACOMBS. Simply look out to the left of it and you will see the statue not that far away in the distance on a set of rocks / cliff to the left.

The third location the status can spawn is facing the DEADSHOT DAIQUIRI PERK MACHINE and there is a large hole in the cave wall that allows you to look out across the drop below, to ledges in the distance. Here you will the last of the statue spawns.

You can do this jump scare as many times as you like to hopefully scare the wits out of your team mates, especially if they are playing the game using headphones it is twice as effective.

Have fun with this one.

Thanks for reading as always guys.


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