Sunday, 2 February 2025

The Tomb Free Random Perk - Call of Duty Black Ops 6 Zombies

Map Layouts: All Areas Map Layout

Secrets: Free Cryo Freeze Ammo Mod & Pack A Punch Crystal -- Free Aether Tool -- Free Random Perk -- Regenerative Armour Gold Vest -- Free Self Revive & Light Mend Ammo Mod -- Free Brain Rot Ammo Mod -- Free 1000 Points, Nuke, Insta-Kill, Max Ammo, Double Points, Max Armour, Fire sale Powerups -- Secret Intel Easter Egg / Green Skeleton Zombies -- Jump Scare -- Musical Easter Egg --

Easter Egg Guide: Part 1 -- Part 2 --

Hey guys,

As in some of the previous zombie maps in Call Of Duty Black Ops 6, there is a way to get yourself a very nice FREE RANDOM PERK within The Tomb. This is actually very easy to do and could save you a few thousand credits if you get one that you are trying to save up for any purchase from one of the perk machines, meaning the current play through of the map will be a lot easier on your bank balance within the game.

Let's find out how to get the free random perk, which is located in the OSSUARY area of the map.

Do you have a light?

Basically, in order to get this free perk, we need to turn up the heat on this map by lighting 6 pots located in the OSSUARY area that are situated beside each of the 3 doorways. There is one either side of these 3 doorways.

All we have to do is acquire the NAPALM AMMO MOD from the ARSENAL MACHINE, or MOLOTOV'S from either random zombie item drops or the CRAFTING TABLE and then head over to the OSSUARY area where we will find the 6 pots we need to relight.

There are 2 pots located beside the entrance to the doorway from the SUBTERRANEAN TEMPLE:

Another 2 pots located beside the entrance to the doorway to the GREEN PORTAL that is in this area:

The last 2 pots located beside the entrance to the doorway where it leads out to the XM4 WEAPON WALLBUY:

All we need to do is simply shoot these 6 pots with the NAPALM AMMO MOD or the MOLOTOV and you will notice they will light up with an orange flame. Once all six have been shot, you will notice that they will start to GLOW PURPLE. 

This is letting you know that you have successfully activated all 6 of the pots and the FREE PERK POWERUP should appear near the statue in the middle of the room, near the SPEED COLA PERK MACHINE.

Thanks for reading as always guys.


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