Sunday, 2 February 2025

The Tomb Musical Easter Egg - Call of Duty Black Ops 6 Zombies

Map Layouts: All Areas Map Layout

Secrets: Free Cryo Freeze Ammo Mod & Pack A Punch Crystal -- Free Aether Tool -- Free Random Perk -- Regenerative Armour Gold Vest -- Free Self Revive & Light Mend Ammo Mod -- Free Brain Rot Ammo Mod -- Free 1000 Points, Nuke, Insta-Kill, Max Ammo, Double Points, Max Armour, Fire sale Powerups -- Secret Intel Easter Egg / Green Skeleton Zombies -- Jump Scare -- Musical Easter Egg --

Easter Egg Guide: Part 1 -- Part 2 --

Hey guys,

as always we love our musical Easter eggs on every zombies map and this one is no different! In The Tomb zombies map in Call Of Duty Black Ops 6, there are 3 sets of Bunny Headphones dotted around the map that we need to interact with in order to get the musical Easter egg to play.

Unlocking this musical Easter egg will play the song called "DIG" by of course, the one and only, KEVIN SHERWOOD. Enjoy!

Lets get down to business and find out where these headphones are hiding.

Bunny Headphones Location 1

One pair is located in the TOMB area of the map to the left hand side of the STAMINUP PERK MACHINE. It is sitting on the curved part of the room, on a ledge, just below a statue embedded in the wall.

Bunny Headphones Location 2

The second pair of headphones can be found in the OSSUARY area next to a skeleton embedded in the wall, to the right hand side of the GREEN PORTAL room.

Bunny Headphones Location 3

The last location is in the DARK AETHER NEXUS. Simply go to the pathway on the far right hand side of the tactical map, which links the RED PORTAL to the YELLOW PORTAL through a narrow path between the cliffs on either side of it on the far right of the map.

You will find a pair of headphones on the ground among some of the plants. Pick it up and the Easter egg song will start playing.

Thanks for reading as always guys.


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