Thursday, 12 December 2024

Citadelle Des Morts Easter Egg Guide Part 3 - Call of Duty Black Ops 6 Zombies


Map Layouts: Full Map Layout for Citadelle Des Morts

Easter Egg Guide: Part 1 -- Part 2 -- Part 3 --

Secrets: Mister Peek's Free Perk -- Mini Bar Game / PHD Flopper -- Mini Lockdown Random Perk -- Become the Rat King -- Knight Chess Protector --  Cannon Fast Travel Easter Egg / Bell Tower -- Wishing Well & 10000 free points -- Fireplace Protector -- Legendary GS45 Pistol -- 8 Free Powerups -- Musical Easter Eggs -- Pool Table Free Essence -- Follow the Raven Free Perk -- Maya Secret Cut Scene --


Ravens Talon

For this third item we need to find, the RAVONS TALON, we technically already mentioned in the Easter egg guide previously. However a quick recap on how to get it, go to the OUBLIETTE ROOM and take the CAVE SLIDE fast travel back to the main spawn.

When in the tunnel on the last turn before exiting, there is a RAVEN which you need to shoot with any weapon. Then when you exit the tunnel, look up into the sky and you will see a RAVEN flying upon high. Simply shoot it, and it will drop the RAVENS TALON for you to pick up.

Don't worry if you miss the RAVEN when you come out of the tunnel, you will hear it now and again flying overhead in certain areas. Simply shoot it any chance you get.


Last but not least, our last item requires some fancy light reflections off of red crystals located in this map. These crystals start off in the DINING AREA and then end up in the ALCHEMICAL LAB on a desk with a CONCRETE BUST sitting on it.

Out first crystal to kick all these light reflecting spectacles off with, is located just above the VULTURE AID PERK MACHINE is the very first RED CRYSTAL we need to shoot. When we shoot this, it will activate a faint beam of red light.

We then need to shoot it again until it lines up with the RED CRYSTAL facing this one, at the other end of the DINING HALL. When the first crystals beam of light hits the other crystal, another faint beam of red light will appear and is not connected to a crystal currently.

Stand in front of the VULTURE AID PERK MACHINE and look at the 2nd crystal and shoot it one more time or until you see it hitting the 3rd crystal in sequence, located on the left hand side of the DINING HALL AREA.

From this 3rd crystal, another red faint beam of light will be emitting from it. Standing to the slight left of the VULTURE AID PERK MACHINE, shoot this 3rd crystal until it directs its beam from the left hand side of the dining hall straight across the room facing it. This will beam the light into the ALCHEMICAL LAB, which is where we want it to be.

Run into the ALCHEMICAL LAB and you should see another RED CRYSTAL above a bookshelf in the lab. It again will have a red beam of faint red light emitting from it, simply shoot it to line up with the crystal just a metre or two away from this one, which is in the same room, just facing this bookshelf and to the right hand side of the wall.

The 2nd crystal in this room will also emit some faint red light beam. Shoot it until it aligns with the table with the concrete bust on top of it in the room. The images show where to stand when shooting these crystals in order to get the light to reflect to the other crystal correctly and more accurately, helping save time and ammo.

Now we have all 4 quest items in our possession, we can now think about upgrading them in the next step.


To upgrade this item, we need to head to the DINING HALL where you will find a YELLOW SYMBOL on the floor near the LION GRAFFITI on the wall. Simply interact with it to put down PALADIN'S BROOCH and all you have to do is kill zombies around it and watch their souls go into the yellow symbol, charging it up with zombie souls. When enough souls have been captured, a CHEST will appear which is glowing yellow on a plinth.


To upgrade this item we need to repeat the same process and place the Ra's Ankh into a yellow portal, however this one is located in the COURTYARD AREA of the map just in front of the castle. Repeat the same steps as before and charge up the item with zombie souls and then we can move onto the other two items to upgrade.


The horseshoe's yellow upgrade portal can be found in the entrance to the NATURE PATH AREA in the TOWN SQUARE, to the left of where one of the GOBBLEGUM MACHINES are located. Same as before, charge those souls up and move onto the last item to upgrade.


For the last item to upgrade, we need to head to the UNDERCROFT AREA of the map and there will be the final yellow portal. Place the RAVENS TALON into this yellow portal and charge it up with souls one last time.

Now all of our items have been upgraded, make your way over to the ALCHEMICAL LAB area.

1.2,3,4 this is what my sword is for

Now we are in the ALCHEMICAL LAB, the small passage that runs behind the lab to the right of the STAMIN-UP PERK MACHINE, will have 4 symbols on the wall for each of the elemental swords you have attained in this map. Take a note of the order of these on the wall, as the numbers related to the order they are in. This will be totally random and different on each playthrough.

This order will be used for obtaining the sword, then using the sword on each GOLDEN CHEST that appeared when charging each of the items in the previous step using the YELLOW PORTALS.

In this playthrough, the order of the symbols that appeared was 1. RAVEN 2. LION 3. STAG 4. DRAGON. 


So go to the DINING HALL and obtain the RAVEN SWORD first! Then with the RAVEN SWORD equipped, we need to head down to where the RAVEN INCANTATION location is, which is in the UNDERCROFT.

Use the RAVEN SWORD to swipe at the GOLDEN CHEST on the plinth and it will open up the chest. Out will pop a DARK INCANTATION scroll. When we take this, we will have to deliver it to the KNIGHT IN THE DINING HALL THAT CORRESPONDS TO THE RAVEN SWORD, where he will also take our sword back along with the incantation.

Go up to the knight and user the bumper buttons to use the incantation on him. He will glow purple from this and then you need to give him back the sword, in order to do this, activate the INSPECT animation in front of him and it will be handed over to the knight.

He will then SALUTE you and acknowledge you have surrendered your sword to him, meaning you have done this correctly and in the right order with the symbols on the wall in the UNDERCROFT SAIRWAY.


This one is one of the easiest to get to as its already in the DINING HALL AREA in front of the LION GRAFFITI IMAGE on the wall in the same room as the knight. Obtain the LION SWORD, go over and melee the box open and take the LIGHT INCANTATION.

Go and use the light incantation on the LION KNIGHT and then inspect your LION SWORD to hand him it back. He will salute you also letting you know you have done it correctly and it was the correct order you are progressing these swords in.


Go and collect the STAG SWORD, then head over to the TOWN SQUARE AREA of the map where you will find the GOLDEN CHEST which contains the ELECTRIC INCANATION.

Melee the box with the STAG SWORD, return to the DINING HALL AREA, cast the INCANTATION on the knight with the stag, then inspect the stag sword to give it back to him and obtain a very respectful salute.


This last location is located just in front of the castle entrance to the right hand side slightly. Obtains the DRAGON SWORD from the relevant knight, get to this location shown below and melee the GOLDEN CHEST and pick up the FIRE INCANTATION. Use this on the DRAGON KNIGHT and then inspect your DRAGON SWORD to relinquish your sword back to him.

Mystic Orb....why are you so.....mystical-erious?

When all 4 swords have successfully been returned to the knights in the DINING HALL AREA in the correct order, each will shine a white light emanating from them into the centre of the DINING HALL, making a MYSTIC ORB appear which you have to pick up.

Now we have this orb, there will be 4 ELEMENTAL CHALLENGES  we will need to do around the map. These can be completed in any order you choose. Let's go through them so we can make it to the main boss fight after completing these challenges.


Head over to the DINING HALL and go up to the 2nd floor balcony area. You will notice that there is a circular slot on the wall where it allows you to insert the ORB you have obtained. Hold the interact button to insert it, then interact with it again when you are ready to start the ELEMENTAL CHALLENGE.

When you activate this challenge, a mini lock down will ensue, spawning infinite zombies. You will also notice several LARGE GREEN ENERGY ORBS dotted around the DINING HALL. All you have to do here is to stand inside the orbs long enough so that they disappear and their energy transfers up to the main white orb you placed in the wall on the floor above of the DINING HALL.

As each GREEN ORB dissipates after you stand inside it long enough, you will see its green aura head towards the main orb upstairs and transfer its energy across to it. The large white orb will eventually start glowing green as this is happening.

To end the lock down simply get as many of the green orbs aura into the one upstairs and it will be completed. The zombies will not stop spawning until you do this so watch out.

Once completed you will head a quote from KRAFFT and you will be able to go up and pick up the ORB from the slot in the wall again, so we can now move onto the next ELEMENTAL CHALLENGE.


The next location is in the TOWN SQUARE AREA just to the left of the NATURE PATH ENTRANCE, on the wall there is another one of these ORB SLOTS on the wall. Place the ORB in here and activate the challenge.

For this challenge, we need to take the zombies down using the SWORD ELEMENT SHOWN ON THE ORB. In this playthrough it looks like the electricity symbol is shown which relates to the STAG SWORD. The only way we can charge up the orb is to use the swords INCANTATION ability to kill zombies as well as its 2 bumper special attack.

When you kill zombies in this way, you will see their souls going towards the orb. Charge up enough of these souls and the challenge will be completed. Then go back and pick up the orb and we cna move onto the third challenge.


The next elemental challenge can be found in the COURTYARD AREA, facing the AMMO CRATE. This is a FIRE ELEMENTAL CHALLENGE as you can see in the orb when you place it on the wall a mini fireball type of projection will be coming from it.

We now need to take down the zombies using the FIRE SWORD SPECIAL ABILITY or the FIRE INCANTATION. Simply kill zombies using this method near the orb and it will start to charge with zombies souls as it did in the previous challenge.

Once you have finally charged the orb, go back to it on the wall and pick it up so we can move onto the very last challenge in this set of 4.


The last elemental challenge is in the UNDERCROFT AREA to the left of the DARK INCANTATION location, on the wall. Place the orb in the circular metal slot and then it will glow a purple colour which indicates you need to get kills with the RAVEN SWORDS special ability of its DARK INCANTATION in order to charge this orb.

Once you have done this 4th and final challenge, you will now be ready for the boss fight with bossy boots himself.

When the boss becomes.....the employee?

Okay so now we are ready to activate the next step which is to engage the main boss for this map which is THE GUARDIAN. To do this, you need to take the ORB you have now charged with 4 elemental swords energy and incantations, to where the the 4 SWORD ELEMENTAL ICONS appeared on the wall in the UNDERCROFT area, under the UNDERCROFT STAIRWAY.

Place the CHARGED ORB into the centre of these icons and you will see a brilliant flash of light hit you in the face almost like someone hit you with a flashbang in multiplayer, only this one is as intense as the sun.....might want to see an eye doctor after this.

You will notice that after the flash the icons on the wall will start to darken and then an opening will appear, allowing you to access another room called the SECRET STUDY.

In here there will be someone called THE OWL, who will give you an item called the GUARDIAN KEY. There will then be some story interaction between the OWL and SAM, then you can be on your merry way again.

Now head over to the main spawn area which is the TOWN SQUARE and go up to the front of the GIANT STATUE IN THE MIDDLE OF THE SQUARE and interact with the statue when it says INSERT GUARDIAN KEY.

You will see this key being inserted which will then trigger a teleport of your good self, into the bosses lair, which is called the CAVERN.

When you get into the cavern, its a small circular area, which has all 4 of the INCANTATIONS on the inner circle of this space. 

This is a 3 stage process in order to beat the boss.

He also has help from hordes of zombies that will also try to destroy you but our main focus is taking the big man himself down.

He has a variety of attacks which include:

Fireball Attack - getting further away from the boss triggers this attack. He will stomp, probably in anger, as he cannot get to you and will launch this from his mouth while breathing fire just before the fireballs hurtles towards you.

Ground Hammer Smash Attack - He swings the giant hammer he is carrying, smashing it onto the ground and upheaving rocks, while at the same time firing out 3 fire balls / flames in your direction. He usually does this when about medium range and getting quite close to you.

Stomping Attack - get too close and he will try to squish you like a bug with his boot.

Now the first part of all 3 phases, the boss will have a very large amount of SHIELD HEALTH which you will need to take down first before you can do any damage. You will notice when hitting him the BODY ARMOUR ICON appearing a lot of the time. Simply fire everything you have at him non stop until this icon goes away, letting you know you have broken through his first line of defence body armour wise.

Once the armour goes down, you will notice after you do some actually damage to his health bar, he will start glowing in certain areas on his body. These are the weak points which you need now to shoot in order to deal the maximum amount of damage to him. These you will notice, will show their hit damage in bold with yellow text when you hit the correct spot.

Now it will get to a certain point when shooting him that he will walk into the middle of the CAVERN and rest on his hammer where he will become a SOLID STATUE, releasing a spectacular fire show.

While he does this, lots more zombies will spawn in, including special zombies and this is where your sword and incantations really come to be the star of the show to save your butt. Remember to keep moving around in a circular motion to train zombies into a route that you can control and herd them up like sheep before destroying them with sword special abilities or incantations.

All you have to do is kill all the zombies that spawn. Doing this will reactivate the boss  and make him not a musical statue anymore, but a very angry and aggressive person again....good job....we are getting on his nerves now! You will also notice his health bar has been reactivated, as well as a MAX AMMO POWERUP spawn into the map.

Now we need to do as much damage as we can to him again, to try and remove the second layer of armour he has now had bestowed upon him. You will notice the boss will have sped up slightly and be a bit more nimble on those giant feet than you encountered in the first stage of this fight so watch out and keep an eye on him at all times.

You will also come across a DOPPELGHAUST in this area too on the second stage of this which is quite a dangerous specimen of a zombie. Try to kill it as quickly as you can as well as avoiding the boss himself and the hordes of other zombies chasing after your flesh.

On this second stage of this fight, he will also have two new attacks where a RED CIRCLE will appear around your HUD, meaning he is going to jump on top of you, swing his hammer or stomp on you. The jump that he does is slightly homing so make sure you keep running while he is in the air until his feet safely touch the ground.

He will also have a an attack where he can spread lava across the map that stays on the ground for about 10 to 15 seconds. Walking across this will hit you hard and you can go down very fast if you do not get out of it. 

When you get his second layer of armour off him, you can now start dealing some real damage to him. You will start to notice he now has yellow glowing weak spots on his arms and his legs as well now.

Deal as much damage as you can again until he retreats back to the middle to return to his statue state. When he slams his hammer into the ground to go into statue mode, the arena will have shrunk slightly especially around the edges as the lava seems to have gotten closer towards the inner circle of the cavern.

While he is in statue mode, loads more zombies will spawn and we have to defeat all of these before he wakes up and becomes active again. Simply repeat again by removing his armour then dealing damage to the weak spots all over his body and he will finally give up the zombie....I mean the ghost and explode!

He will then drop an AMULET which you will need to pick up in order to activate the final cut scene and that pretty a rap!

Still unsure how to do it? Then check out MR DALEK JD's Youtube video below:

Thanks for reading as always


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