Thursday, 12 December 2024

Citadelle Des Morts Easter Egg Guide Part 2 - Call of Duty Black Ops 6 Zombies

Map Layouts: Full Map Layout for Citadelle Des Morts

Easter Egg Guide: Part 1 -- Part 2 -- Part 3 --

Secrets: Mister Peek's Free Perk -- Mini Bar Game / PHD Flopper -- Mini Lockdown Random Perk -- Become the Rat King -- Knight Chess Protector --  Cannon Fast Travel Easter Egg / Bell Tower -- Wishing Well & 10000 free points -- Fireplace Protector -- Legendary GS45 Pistol -- 8 Free Powerups -- Musical Easter Eggs -- Pool Table Free Essence -- Follow the Raven Free Perk -- Maya Secret Cut Scene --


He keeps Raven on about this sword!

For this last sword, we need for one last time, to kill a zombie wearing the armoured helmet and pick up the STAMP he drops.

Then head back to the DINING HALL area where we interact with the last KNIGHT which has a RAVEN perched on his shoulder. This will then give us the "Raven B****** Sword". Once acquired we then need to make our way to the area called the ALCHEMICAL LAB just off the DINING HALL area, where we need to search the shelves in the middle of the room or on the outside, we will find an ANIMAL SKULL.

The type of ANIMAL SKULL will not be the same on each playthrough, this is because it relates to a puzzle you will use it in later on and it will of course, make it much more difficult on each playthrough if it is random every time. 

In total there are 5 BONE ITEMS to pick up and these are:

  • RAVEN SKULLS is located on the left hand side of the bookshelf

  • LION JAWBONE is located to the shelf to the top right of the raven skills

  • FISH FOSSIL is located in the corner immediately to the far right of the bookcase where the RAVEN SKULLS and the LION JAWBONE is located

  • SCORPION FOSSIL is located on a table just behind the FISH FOSSIL location, if staring at its spawn location, do a 180 and you will see a table behind you, just slightly to the left, with a large globe on a stand

  • RAMS HORN is located to the left of the table with the globe where the SCORPION FOSSIL spawns. Simply go behind the desk and look forward, then turn 90 degrees to the left where you will see a wooden box that can be destroyed. The RAMS HORN is just above this box to the right on the set of shelves in the corner.

When you find the animal skull and interact with it, it will say that you have PICKED UP AN ANTIQUITY ITEM. 

Now lets get down to the nitty gritty and be honest with you.....*takes in deep breath through front teeth*.....this is the most difficult of all the sword upgrades.....but luckily we will get through it together and with lots of peoples help online and from Youtube videos, people have already solved how to complete the puzzle that is coming up in a moment. 

The solution to the puzzle is different through each playthrough depending on several factors so lets get down to it and get the thinking cap on.

Side Quest - Only if you want to

Now we have the BONE ITEM and the BASIC RAVEN SWORD, we now need to head back to the main spawn area. You can however kills two birds with one stone here......pun if you want to do the Dark Incantation on this map, which is Drags zombies into a void and drops them to a nearby random location, then you should take the CAVE SLIDE located in the DUNGEON area and fly down it.

When you go down the slide, just before the final turn ,there will be a RAVEN on the right hand side of the corner before you exit out of the sewer mouth. Shoot if and it will trigger some speech from KRAFFT saying "A Raven, that cannot be coincidence". 

Then as soon as you fly out of the sewer, look up into the air and you will see another RAVEN flying high in the sky. Take him down by shooting it and it will drop the RAVENS TALON. Pick this up and you can use it later in conjunction with the BALMUNG to obtain the full incantation in the UNDERCROFT.

There are 4 incantations in total and each incantation can be used to deal damage to zombies. Simply get an Incantation and use the tactical slot button to cast it on the zombies. The elemental damage effect depends on what type of incantation you're using.

We then need to head over to the TAVERN area to put the BONE ITEM we picked up to good use.

I am so con-puzzled

Now if we head to underneath the TAVERNS building there is a basement area, where you will see a LARGE METAL WHEEL on the left hand side of the wall as you go in. Go up and interact with this wheel and it will deposit your BONE ITEM onto the wheel and start spinning around like a mad man with all manners of symbols appearing on it.

If you then hold the interact button again on the wheel, it will insert the RAVEN SWORD into the wheel slot. Once you insert the raven sword into the slot, hold the interact button one more time and you will notice the wheel will allow you to move its dials around.

Thanks to the Youtube community and Mr RoflWaffles video, you can see he has solved all of the puzzles and combinations for each BONE ITEM. All you have to do is match the inner and outer circles with the symbols shown in the following images, making sure to line up the symbols at the bottom will let you know which ones are in the correct place or if one is out of position:

Now when the correct symbols are lined up, you will hear a musical chime to let you know it has been done successfully. Then the room you are in under the tavern area, you will see in a random spot, a PURPLE PORTAL will appear. As this appears, the METAL PUZZLE WHEEL on the wall has changed it's mind and has decided.....I don't like you anymore and starts to fire PURPLE ENERGY BALLS towards you. 

Just watch out when guiding these balls around as if you get to close, they will hit you and hurt you. Just pretend its a game of dodge ball. If you can dodge a wrench, you can dodge a dodgeball!

These purple balls will home in on you and follow you. All you have to do is lure them like a horse to water and line them up to go over the top of the PURPLE PORTAL. Once they get to a certain proximity to the purple portal, they will take a nose dive and disappear into it.

When there are 3 PURPLE BALLS successfully inside the portal, the portal will pack up shop and move to another location. Simply follow the PURPLE AURA of it as it moves along to see where it goes to next.  

It will then go to the GROUND FLOOR of the TAVERN AREA and we must repeat the process again and get 3 more purple balls into the purple portal on the floor.

Once 3 balls are in that portal, it will move a third and final time and end up on the first floor of the TAVERN usually around the POOL TABLE. Repeat the process one more time and the portal should be full now and happy.

The portal will then move back down to the TAVERN BASEMENT and will go back into the wheel. There will be some awesome flashes of light as it charges up the sword for you. Simply interact with the wheel one more time and after 2 or 3 seconds it will fire out the RAVEN SWORD which is an absolute beast.

This sword when swinging it randomly at times creates SHADOW RIFTS that sucks zombies towards it and destroys them, as well as throwing them up into the air and dropping them from the sky.

There is also a bigger and better version of this attack when the sword is fully charged, which creates a much larger rift with a triangular outline in its mist, but this triangular rift also has a very special ability and it allows you to jump into it and it will teleport you to a nearby random location.

To charge the sword again, just get zombies kills with the sword and when it is fully charged you will hear a CROW SOUND coming from the sword letting you know its ready for another round of zombie azz kicking. 

Also one thing to note is that the MAX AMMO POWERUP actually charges the sword as well straight away, almost like MAX POWER POWERUP but for swords.

Some other interesting facts about the RAVEN SWORD:

  • It can PARRY and reflect back the SPIT from the PARASITES and kill them or damage them or other zombies with their attacks

  • This sword can also rescue you from the AMALGAM when it launches its tentacles towards you, grabs you and pulls you toward him. Hitting the parry button will allow you to become free of its grasp without any damage to your health or armour which is handy

  • During the END BOSS FIGHT you can also PARRY the attacks from the main boss when he tries to stomp on you without taking any damage as well. That's got to be worth its weight in gold that sword and then some with abilities like this!

Get me my Library Card....we got a book to read
The next step we will need to find 4 TORN PAGE FRAGMENTS from a SECRET BOOK. Of these 4 pages, there are 9 POSSIBLE SPAWN LOCATIONS in each play through where these torn page fragments may spawn. The good news is these are all in the same room/area, which is is the SITTING ROOMS area.

These page fragments are actually sometimes very well hidden and would win awards if they were playing hide and seek professionally. Once you spot them, you will know they are the ones you are looking for, as they have a RED GLOWING SYMBOLS on them, which helps to find any lurking in any shadowy areas.

Make sure to check everywhere in the SITTING ROOMS outer walls, the inner walls, the sofa, bunk beds, TV, little nooks and crannies near the Stamin-up perk machine etc. and go over it with a fine tooth comb until you get the notification that you have collected torn page fragment number 4, which will be denoted in the top right hand corner when you pick up the last page in roman numerals as IV.

Once you have 4 page fragments collected in your game, we can now move onto the next step.

Fist of Fury
Now we have the 4 TORN PAGE FRAGMENTS, we first need to get the PERK called MELEE MACCHIATO. This will super charge our punches and allow us to do some demolition work in this old castle that has been a long time coming. 

Head over to the UNDERCROFT AREA and in the middle of one of the walls, you will notice a slight crack / weakness in the brickwork. Go up and melee this wall as shown below with Melee Macchiatio equipped. This will cause the wall to fall down like a ton of bricks.....pun intended again, to reveal a grid with different symbols highlighted in blue.

Now the grid has been revealed, I think we need to head to the TAVERN AREA for a drink, wouldn't you say so? You know, to celebrate knocking the wall down. When you get to the TAVERN you will now be looking for 6 VASES that are scattered around the TAVERN ground floor and upstairs.

Go around the following locations and interact with the vases first. The reason for this is that all the VASES will be blank on their face and just be a plain black colour. When we interact with each VASE, you will notice a number will appear in roman numerals at the top of each vase along with a symbol on the main face of it. Activate all 6 to get the symbols, then go around from number 1 up to 6 in order and  take a screenshot of what the symbol is.

Here are the locations of the 6 VASES:
  • VASE 1 - On the bar counter, on the left hand side

  • VASE 2 - On a table with a white table cloth

  • VASE 3 - Is just above the cellar staircase 

  • VASE 4 - Upstairs just beside the pool table, to the left of the dart board

  • VASE 5 - found on the table of the booths, to the right of the wall gun buy

  • VASE 6 - in the corner on the ground floor, directly in the corner behind the wall of the GOBBLE GUM machine outside, on a table

As you can imagine, each playthrough will have a totally different set of symbols on the vases to make things more difficult.

Once you have done this, head back down to the wall of symbols that you uncovered in the UNDERCROFT area. All we need to do now is look at the symbols on the wall, and shoot the symbols in order that they were in on the vases marked 1 to 6.

So take a look at the screenshots you should have taken or the drawing of the symbol you scribbled down, and for VASE 1, shoot the symbol on the grid of blue symbols on the wall that matches that symbol....easy right? Then what is number 2's symbol on the vase, find it on the wall and shoot it for the second symbol. We repeat this until we get all 6 of them in the correct order shot on the wall.

When you shoot the symbol in the correct order successfully, it will grey out the square on the wall and then start to jumble the others up randomly. The further into this puzzle you get, the wall symbols will start to randomly change faster and faster the closer you get to the end, to try and trip you up.  

Once all 6 symbols have been shot in the correct order, a RED ORB will emerge from the wall while the character WEAVER shouts "Winner, Winner!", letting you know you have successfully done this stage of the Easter egg.

I am booking you for parking your red orb illegally
When the red orb comes out of the wall, it will immediately go to the left of the wall of symbols and reveal an opening with a red aura. This will contain a BOOK which has BLANK PAGES in it. Go up to this book and interact with it and it will place the 4 pages onto the book.

When this happens, you will notice 4 RED SYMBOLS appear on the books pages. 2 symbols on the left, 2 on the right. These symbols correspond to different POINT OF POWER TRAPS  around the map, which are symbols that you see on the ground that have a red glow around them and a corresponding symbol inside.

Each time you playthrough this map, it will be a totally different and random set of symbols appearing in this book for the POINT OF POWER TRAPS.

We will first need to start to find the POINT OF POWER TRAP that corresponds to the symbol on the top left hand corner of the book, then the bottom left is the symbol for the second trap, the top right hand corner is the symbol for the 3rd trap and the 4th trap is the bottom right hand symbol in the book. They need to be activated and completed in this order specifically.

In this playthrough, the 1st point of power trap symbol in the top left hand corner of the book was this symbol of an eye with jagged spikes coming out from around it. What we have to do is activate the point of power trap for 1600 credits and then stay within the red circle defined by the trap and kill as many zombies as it desires for the trap to close again. 


When it is activated, you will be firing special red orb style bullets that have an aura about them. This is what gives you the extra power in order to kill the zombies far more easily when in this trap. The good news is the zombies will also be a lot slower when they enter the area of the trap so you should be able to do this part quite easily. 

When enough zombies have been killed the trap will close and you can move onto the finding the point of power trap that matches the symbol in the book in the bottom left hand corner. You will also hear a quote from KRAFFT if it is the correct trap.

You can also track your progress to see which traps you still need to activate and have completed so far by going back to the UNDERCROFT area and checking the book. You will notice that any completed traps will now be greyed out, while uncompleted ones will still be highlighted in red.

In the above example 2 power traps and their symbols have been completed and are both greyed out for traps 1 and 2, only 3 and 4 remain. If you feel you have done several traps but still haven't completed this, go back and check the special book to see if the symbol still remains. It means it is not the correct one for the power trap you have done/

Once you have completed all 4 power traps and matched the correct symbols you will hear a quote come over the radio from KRAFFT saying "I think that is the owl saying "Come on in", wouldn't you agree?" Once this has been heard, we can move onto the next step.

Lets collect 4 items....ritualistically speaking
Next, we need to find 4 items scattered around the map and then upgrade them afterwards. 

These items can be collected in any order, but lets start with a bit of luck on our side and try to find OTTO'S HORSESHOE. This can be found in the BARN beside the Deadshot Daiquiri perk machine which is in the NATURES PATH AREA. There is a HORSE SHOE, I am guessing belonging to OTTO, right above the door that is behind the perk machine. Simply shoot it down from above the door and pick it up.

Now we have the HORSESHOE, head up to the HILLSIDE RAMPARTS and go back up to where the CANNON is located. Get inside the cannon and shoot yourself back towards the main spawn area. When you fly through the air, some lightning is going to hit you and with some slightly shocking consequences.

When you come back down to earth from your cannon flight, look up into the sky and around the map to see if you can locate a grey lightning cloud hovering somewhere. You will see thunder and sparks coming from it. Go to where the lightning is hitting the ground and you will find that there is an item called PEGASUS HORSESHOE, pick this up and we will move onto the next item to find.

In order to obtain this item, we will need to have 3 MOLOTOV COCKTAILS equipped in our lethal slot. The easiest way to get these is simply go to a CRAFTING TABLE and craft 3 of the molotov cocktails at a cost of 350 credits each, simples.

With molotov cocktails in hand, we will need to go to 3 locations around the map and set fire to a debris pile of wood and sticks etc with these cocktails. Handily enough, all 2 locations are in the HILLSIDE RAMPARTS up near the cannon.

  • For the first location, head to the cannon, then stand facing the castle from the cannon and head down the left hand side of the walkway and look up slightly before entering the first room you come to. You will see a slightly brown and orange type of debris up top on the roof. Throw a molotov up to here to set this debris pile alight. If you have done it correctly, you will hear WEAVER saying "A lot of work just to keep the lights on." When you do this it will spawn in a small amount of zombies to deal with from fireballs / sparks it fires out once it has been lit.

  • The second location is directly above the castle entrance and is very easy to see if stand behind the cannon and face the castle. It should be directly above the archway to the castle entrance its hard to miss. Throw another molotov up there and set that debris alight also. This will also trigger some random flurry of zombies to take you out as well from fire balls emanating from the fire you just lit.

  • Last but not least is probably the hardest one to actually see, from the cannon location and facing the castle, go to the right hand side of the walkway near the ACID TRAP and you will have to throw the final molotov into the distance to light the last pile of debris. Once you do this, more zombies will spawn from fireballs, as well as a DOPPELGHAST ELITE zombie to deal with


Still unsure how to do it? Then check out MR DALEK JD's Youtube video below:

Thanks for reading as always.


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