Map Layouts: Full Map Layout for Citadelle Des Morts
Easter Egg Guide: Part 1 -- Part 2 -- Part 3 --
Secrets: Mister Peek's Free Perk -- Mini Bar Game / PHD Flopper -- Mini Lockdown Random Perk -- Become the Rat King -- Knight Chess Protector -- Cannon Fast Travel Easter Egg / Bell Tower -- Wishing Well & 10000 free points -- Fireplace Protector -- Legendary GS45 Pistol -- 8 Free Powerups -- Musical Easter Eggs -- Pool Table Free Essence -- Follow the Raven Free Perk -- Maya Secret Cut Scene --
Hi guys,
in the Citadelle Des Morts map, it is a bit larger than some previous zombie maps, which means there can be a lot of walking around. This in turn can also mean.....yup you guessed it.....sore feet. Now how would you like an entirely safe sounding way to travel around the map to a certain area or two, by being shot out of a cannon at high speed?
Good I know you would be onboard with this and I will show you how to do this, without having to join a circus to practice it. I will also show you the BELL TOWER EASTER EGG as well as it is sort of related to the CANNON.
So, two for the price of one this time around. You didn't buy one but your also getting one free! So, lets get to it!
If anyone can, the cannon can...can't it?
When we first use the CANNON at the start of the map to open the CASTLE ENTRANCE, we turn the cannon to face the castle and then fire it, to blow open the castles front door. If we pay close attention to what happens to the cannon after the shot is fired, you will notice that the CRANK WHEEL will fly off into into the sunset and end up in a FRUIT CRATE, way back in the TOWN SQUARE area, to the left of a BANANA BOX.
You can actually go and pick up this CRANK WHEEL and make the CANNON useful again, as we are going to reattach this crank wheel again.
The only thing we would need to repair it is possibly a BLOW TORCH which, thankfully, someone already had on site before the zombie apocalypse took hold on this castle.
Cooking with a blowtorch is....not how good food is made
To find the BLOWTORCH we need to use on the CANNON to get its CRANK WHEEL attached again, we need to head over to the DINING HALL area and look on the ground floor in the opposite end of where the image of the LION GRAFFITI is on the wall. On the left hand side of the opposite wall in the dining hall, there is a FLOOD LIGHT and JERRY CAN.
If you like at the JERRY CAN, you will notice the BLOWTORCH sitting beside it. Hole the interact button to pick this up and then we will take the parts to the cannon and repair it on site.
Good as new....well as new as a several hundred year old cannon can be!
Simply walk back up to the cannon in the HILLSIDE RAMPARTS area and interact with it to place the CRANK WHEEL back onto the cannon, which will then allow you to rotate it again. Now it is fully working again, you can point it towards the main spawn area which will fire you each time into the TOWN SQUARE area each time or you can rotate it the other direction towards the castle, which will fire you into the DINING HALL area.
It will cost 500 to travel to these places but is totally worth it, especially if get cornered in the area the cannon is located as there is not a lot of room to manoeuvre at times when it gets a bit crowded.
Keep it facing spawn or change to the dining hall or town square area, the choice is up to you tactically.
That is one....BELL....of a tower!
Now the next little Easter egg linked to the CANNON is that it can allow you be launched toward the TOWN SQUARE area and hitting the TAVERN ROOF each time before falling down. This doesn't sound very exciting I know, but hear me out.
Apart from getting a very sore back each time you hit off the tavern roof at immense speed, if you do this 100 times, on the 100th launch from the cannon, you will then change trajectory slightly and fly towards the BELL TOWER on top of the CHURCH in the TOWN SQUARE area.
The only problem among all this is, you need to be rich in the game. Crazy rich, as you have probably calculated, to do this very small Easter egg, the cannon is 500 credits per launch, 500 times 100 is 50,000 credits.
When this happens, it will turn the BELL TOWER into the equivalent of a GIANT MONKEY BOMB and start ringing, distracting zombies for a brief period of around 30 to 40 seconds, drawing them all towards it. They will stick to the bell tower like glue until the ringing has stopped, then they will continue their rampage against you afterwards.
When the bell tower starts to ring, a small reward will be given to you of 2 MONKEY BOMBS to use as and when you want, dropping on the ground in front of the tower.
Thanks for reading as always guys
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