Tuesday, 17 December 2024

Citadelle Des Morts Free Random Perk Mini Lockdown - Call of Duty Black Ops 6 Zombies

Map Layouts: Full Map Layout for Citadelle Des Morts

Easter Egg Guide: Part 1 -- Part 2 -- Part 3 --

Secrets: Mister Peek's Free Perk -- Mini Bar Game / PHD Flopper -- Mini Lockdown Random Perk -- Become the Rat King -- Knight Chess Protector --  Cannon Fast Travel Easter Egg / Bell Tower -- Wishing Well & 10000 free points -- Fireplace Protector -- Legendary GS45 Pistol -- 8 Free Powerups -- Musical Easter Eggs -- Pool Table Free Essence -- Follow the Raven Free Perk -- Maya Secret Cut Scene --

Hi guys,

there is an opportunity in Citadelle De Morts to gain a FREE RANDOM PERK deep in the belly of the castle in the UNDERCROFT area, along with all 4 ammo mods and a load of loot, in this awesome Black Ops 6 zombies map.

In order to get this random perk, we will need to initiate a mini lock down to kill 3 waves of zombies post haste. We can only really activate this small side Easter egg when near the end of the main Easter egg quest on this map.

This is because a few pre-requisites we should already have are:

  • The 4 Elemental Swords

  • All 4 Incantations available

  • Revealed the hidden wall in the UNDERCROFT area with MELEE MACCHIATO and input all the TAVERN codes that let you place the PAGES on the BOOK to the left of this wall

Only then.....can we get this side Easter egg done and dusted.

I cast a spell on thee!
Now what we need to do, is pick up an incantation such as the one located in the UNDERCROFT AREA which is the DARK INCANTATION. 

Once picked up, head over to the WALL WITH ROWS OF SYMBOLS we mentioned above in the UNDERCROFT AREA and use the incantation spell on the wall.

When you do, you will notice that a particular row of symbols will then light up, indicating you have successfully registered the incantation spell.

What we now need to do is go around all the incantations and pick them up, come back to the UNDERCROFT AREA and use them on this wall until all 4 rows of symbols have lit up on this wall.

Lets get the other 3 INCANTATIONS and see where they are hiding out.

Heart of a Lion
The next incantation we can pick up, which can be in any order, is the LIGHT INCANTATION which can be found in the DINING HALL AREA, directly underneath the LION GRAFFITI on the wall. Pick it up and cast it on the wall to activate the next row of symbols and then we can move onto the next one.

You're Fired! Wait a minute, you don't even work for me!
The next incantation can be found is the FIRE INCANTATION which can be picked up in the COURTYARD AREA underneath the DRAGON GRAFFITI on the wall. Simply rinse and repeat the previous steps and use the incantation again on the wall. 3 rows of symbols should have lit up by now.

Electricity bills are so high lately
The last incantation to be found is the ELECTRIC INCANTATION which can be picked up in the TOWN SQUARE AREA to the left of the TAVERN outside, on the wall.

Once the last INCANTATION has been cast on the SYMBOL WALL in the UNDERCROFT AREA, it will trigger a mini lock down where the castle will fire 3 waves of zombies at you. All you need to do, is survive the carnage and chaos for a hefty reward.

The good news is no special zombies will be spawning in this lock down and to be honest, it is very easy to do.

Once you survive all 3 waves of zombies, your FREE PERK will spawn in the UNDERCROFT AREA for you to pick up. It will also come with a nice little bonus of deploying pickups for all 4 of the WEAPON AMMO MODS which is very nice indeed!

These are of course the AMMO MODS of NAPALM, DEAD WIRE, CRYO FREEZE and BRAIN ROT ammo.

The above rewards are what you will be given when playing in solo, however when playing on co-op mode with others, there is a chance that the RANDOM PERK CAN will spawn in another location in the room than the one shown in the images above. 

When it does, this also gives you the slight chance that you might also see a RAY GUN spawn from time to time as a reward, so this is definitely worth taking a gamble on doing this mini Easter egg as it is extremely easy to complete anyway.

Thanks for reading as always.


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