Sunday, 15 December 2024

Citadelle Des Morts Free Perks Easter Egg from Mister Peeks - Call Of Duty Black Ops 6

Map Layouts: Full Map Layout for Citadelle Des Morts

Easter Egg Guide: Part 1 -- Part 2 -- Part 3 --

Secrets: Mister Peek's Free Perk -- Mini Bar Game / PHD Flopper -- Mini Lockdown Random Perk -- Become the Rat King -- Knight Chess Protector --  Cannon Fast Travel Easter Egg / Bell Tower -- Wishing Well & 10000 free points -- Fireplace Protector -- Legendary GS45 Pistol -- 8 Free Powerups -- Musical Easter Eggs -- Pool Table Free Essence -- Follow the Raven Free Perk -- Maya Secret Cut Scene --

Hi guys,

Who doesn't love a free perk when playing Black Ops 6 zombies? No matter what the perk is, they all come in useful at some point in the game. In the map Citadelle Des Morts, we can get a FREE PERK from MISTER PEEKS simply by finding him around the map and shooting him. It's almost like a game of hide and seek at times.

Let's see how you can get this random free perk within this map. Basically we need to shoot MISTER PEEKS in 3 locations around the map in a particular order.

Bullets Hurt, that's why it's called a window pain....i mean pane

The first location you can find MISTER PEEKS is by going to the room with the ELEMENTAL POP PERK MACHINE just off of the COURTYARD AREA. if staring at this machine in the corner of the room, flip around 180 degrees and through the window in the adjacent corner, look down the sights of your weapon and start to move towards the window.

You will see MISTER PEEKS floating outside the window if you look through this window pane. If you go outside the window and check if he really is floating outside, you will see nothing. Think of this as a magical window pane that's sole purpose is to reveal Mister Peeks.

Simply shoot him and you will hear a giggle and he will float away up into the atmosphere.

Mister Peeks is spinning a yarn in the barn

The next location and order we need to shoot Mister Peeks in, is located in the BARN that is on the NATURES PATH. Just outside this barn is the DEADSHOT DAIQUIRI PERK MACHINE. When you enter the barn from the side of Deadshot Daiquiri, continue going forward into it, and if you look up to the right of the main beam holding up the roof, there is a gap in the wall.

If you have a sniper rifle it will make this much easier to see and shoot Mister Peeks, who is hiding in a small hole, when you look towards the castle. In this little hole he is hiding, you will notice him dancing and almost taunting you top shoot him.

Simply shoot him and you will hear the giggling sound again, as well as a spark animation, letting you know you have shot him successfully.

Mister King of the Castle's Career Just Peeked

The last location we need to head to is the DINING HALL Where we need to take the stairs going up to the first floor and stay to the left, then spin around from the corner we run into and look up through the giant hole in the roof towards the castle. You will notice a little MISTER PEEKS dancing on one of the windows in the castle.

Simply zoom in with a sniper rifle is best as always and shoot him. He will then disappear as well, but you will not hear any laughter from him as he is so far away, it would take the sound weeks to travel from where he is to yourself.

You have now "Perked" my Interest

Now we have shot all 3 Mister Peeks bunnies, all we have to do is head down to the DUNGEON AREA and in the cell next to where the ammo crate is located, there is a cell that if you look through the bars to the bed inside the cell, you will see MISTER PEEKS sitting comfortably awaiting to give you the free perk.

Simply shoot this 4th Mister Peeks doll and he will reward you with a free perk.

When you do this, all players within the game will get the free perk also. You may get the same perk, some may get totally random ones compared to the others so you just never know what you will get. It's a very easy Easter egg to complete on each playthrough and can save you a few thousand credits by possibly giving you a perk you are saving for.

Thanks for reading as always guys.


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