Wednesday 29 November 2023

Operation Deadbolt Aether Tears in Operation Deadbolt and their locations - Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 Zombies

Hi guys,

Aether Tears in Operation Deadbolt are strategically placed points on the map that hold the power to teleport you into the air, adding an entirely new dimension to your gaming experience.

The introduction of Aether Tears in Operation Deadbolt within Modern Warfare 3 Zombies brings forth a range of tactical benefits, offering players unique advantages to enhance their survival and overall gaming experience. 

Imagine a teleportation device propelling you to lofty heights, allowing you to soar through the skies and parachute down to your desired destination. Once triggered, these teleporters stay operational for a brief window, urging swift utilization. They prove invaluable for seamless map navigation or evading confrontations when the need arises.

Here are some of the strategic advantages associated with Aether Tears and your trusty parachute:

Heightened Vantage Points

  • Aether Tears allow players to teleport into the air, granting them elevated vantage points across the map. It gives you the excuse when flung up in the air to say "I can see my house from up here!"
  • This strategic positioning provides an advantageous view of the surrounding area, enabling players to spot incoming threats, including zombies, more easily. It can also be handy when trying to scout a vast area to locate for example mercenary convoys that drive around the map.

Escape Routes and Evacuation

  • The ability to teleport into the air provides an instant escape option during intense zombie waves or when surrounded
  • Aether Tears serve as emergency exits, allowing players to quickly reposition themselves and evade potential danger. This can be extremely useful when trying to get out of a high threat or Medium threat zone you may have ventured into a bit prematurely without the right equipment

Strategic Flanking and Ambushing

  • Players can use Aether Tears to access unconventional routes and surprise enemies from unexpected angles.
  • This tactical advantage is particularly useful for ambushing zombies or gaining the upper hand in engagements against more powerful undead foes or human mercenaries with high armor

Team Coordination and Support

  • Aether Tears facilitate coordinated strategies within a team, allowing players to quickly regroup or come to the aid of teammates in distress.
  • Teams can leverage these teleportation points to synchronize movements and execute well-planned manoeuvres.

Resource Gathering

  • The elevated positions provided by Aether Tears can be advantageous for resource gathering, such as acquiring power-ups, weapons or ammo scattered throughout the map.
  • Players can efficiently navigate the environment, collecting essential items without being encumbered by zombie hordes.

Survival in Higher Rounds

  • As the rounds progress and the zombie onslaught intensifies, Aether Tears become crucial for survival by offering dynamic escape routes and strategic advantages to overcome escalating challenges.

Dynamic Gameplay Experience

  • The inclusion of Aether Tears introduces a dynamic element to the gameplay, encouraging players to adapt their strategies and take advantage of the unique teleportation feature for both offense and defence.

In essence, Aether Tears in Operation Deadbolt contribute to the depth of the Modern Warfare 3 Zombies experience by providing players with a versatile tool to navigate the battlefield, outsmart enemies and enhance overall survival capabilities. 

Aether Tear Locations

Below is a screenshot from the interactive map made on the website which allows you to bring up the overall tactical map of Urzikstan, then on the left hand side of the screen, filter down through showing only individual features on the map which is absolutely awesome.

All Aether Tear locations are shown below when filtering everything else out from the website WZHUB.GG tactical map:

I'm not associated with this website in any way and I'm simply using their screenshot as a reference. The map is crafted by the individuals behind this site, not by me. It appears to be consistently updated whenever a new feature spawn location is discovered, which is immensely helpful given the impressive level of detail.

Mastering the use of Aether Tears becomes integral to maximizing tactical opportunities and securing success in the challenging world of zombie apocalypse.

Now you know what to use them for, you can go 'tearing' about the map at your own free will.

Thanks for reading as always guys.


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